Start Here: Group Rules + Welcome & Introductions

deskjockey925 Posts: 5,884 Member
Hello and welcome to this month’s edition of the Ultimate Accountability Challenge (UAC).

❓New here? Click the spoiler to learn how this group works. (Rules and other info.)
As a UAC member, you will:
  • Be accountable to yourself in your own health journey.
  • Post every day in that day's check-in thread. Look for the check-in threads on the Ultimate Accountability group page: scroll down past the ANNOUNCEMENTS threads until you see DISCUSSIONS. When you check in for the day, please state whether you followed each of the three daily rules below; and include your tally of pass days for the month. (Scroll down to learn about pass days.)
  • Be honest with your check-ins. If you cheat, you are only hurting yourself. Our group exists not to police each other, but to provide a friendly environment for learning, self-improvement, and mutual support <3

The 3 daily rules:
  1. EXERCISE EVERY DAY FOR AT LEAST 20 MINUTES. We define exercise as an intentional and planned choice to be active beyond your "run of the mill" day to day activities. This can be chair yoga, physiotherapy, running, swimming, aerobics, weight-lifting, dancing, vacuuming, washing windows, or anything else that gets your body moving beyond your general daily movement. You can do a mix of activities, and you do not have to do all 20 minutes at once.
  2. CONSUME ONLY YOUR BUDGETED CALORIES. Set your own personal calorie goal for the day, and don't exceed it. (Yes you may "eat back exercise calories" if you wish.) Any day that you went over what you planned, it is considered a pass day. We are happy to help if you would like help figuring out how to set a calorie goal for yourself.
  3. TRACK ALL THE CALORIES YOU EAT AND DRINK. How you choose to track is up to you: you may use a paper tracker or journal, MyFitnessPal, another app/website, or any other (online or offline) tool that works for you. And, you guessed it: anytime you skip a day, for any reason, it is a pass day. Please note: Some folks fret about finding an "exact" match on their tracker. We encourage you to find the best possible match and if in doubt about a meal or snack when dining out, overestimate.
Rule #4:
Each member is expected to report in within three days of each check-in day. This is to help us build helpful new habits through daily consistency. You may check in later if needed, but this counts as a pass day. If you do need to check in late, you are free to post a combined check-in to catch up.

What's a pass day?
Whenever you do not observe all 4 UAC rules, any day, for any reason, that day is considered a pass day. Pass days can happen due to injury/illness, emotional eating, lack of planning, family issues, busy schedule, forgetfulness, vacations/celebrations, hormone fluctuations, "didn't feel up to it," or a myriad of other reasons. We will never judge anyone for taking a pass day: they exist as a tool for you to keep track, and learn where you can improve.

🏆 The UAC celebrates its Winners every month!
A Winner is a member who had 3 or fewer pass days during the previous month. This is a noble and fun goal to strive for, but please know that Winner status is NOT necessary for you to meet your health goals. We also celebrate our Champions, who exceeded their monthly pass day limit but continued to check in every day of the month. And last but not least, even if you find yourself struggling, as long as you are here we consider you a Learner, and that is your first step to a better future! So always count those pass days, always aim to improve, and -- most importantly -- keep coming back every day.

👋😁 To all new and returning members:
We are happy to have you with us! We invite you to introduce yourself below. Please feel free to include as much information as you feel comfortable sharing about yourself. We look forward to getting to know you a little better. Any questions, please ask any group member. We hope you enjoy your time here.

❓ Quick hints to help you navigate the group:
  • Please do NOT open any threads in the Discussion area: they will be deleted. Discussions are set up as one post per day of the month. If you have questions please ask in the daily thread, or in the What's on your mind today? thread.
  • Click the little flag icon in the top right corner of any thread that interests you. When the flag is blue, you will receive a notification anytime someone posts to the thread. To unsubscribe, simply click the flag again to turn it white.
  • You can use the "Quote" function at the bottom of every post in this group, to copy what someone previously wrote and then respond to it.
  • If you would like to respond directly to what another group member wrote, add an @ right in front of their username, like so: @username (This will tag the person you are responding to, and they will receive a notification.)
  • In order to see whether someone has tagged you, click/tap the bell in the top right hand corner of your screen, and check your notifications. If you are using the app, first access Community mode, then tap your avatar in the top right corner, then tap the bell. (You must have notifications turned on.)
Privacy Note: This challenge group is open for public viewing until the end of day on the 6th of the month when it is set to "private". From that point forward, and for all time, all the postings made in that month become private and are only accessible to individuals who were registered as members of that month.


  • takinitalloff
    takinitalloff Posts: 2,761 Member
    Welcome everyone to the November edition of the UAC. Returning members, please help me welcome our newest members @jenn7985 @KimBraynenmfp @IgweJoicy @Parisbean @bren3jet @Maevezilla @surananc @digger61

    I'm happy to be part of this group again, for what is going to be my 17th month... wow, time sure flies when you spend it in the company of awesome people :D I am super grateful to all my UAC friends for helping me achieve my health goals. So far I'm 80 lbs down, much happier and healthier, and enjoying life to the fullest for the first time in my adult life. Let's do this... together!
  • evileyefirefly
    evileyefirefly Posts: 304 Member
    Hello everyone. I'm back for November, I took October off from the group to focus on other life events. For the most part I've kept to my plan, once I finished my 8 week workout plan I took a weeklong maintenance break, then a week off from workouts. I ended up gaining a pound over the 2 weeks, but I'm still quite a bit ahead of my weight targets I set in June. Hoping to be under 200 by the end of October, which is around halfway to my GW. I did a second body scan a few weeks ago, and was surprised by how good it was. I'll post some of the panels at some point in the future as the data is really cool to see. Hope everyone has been doing well and meeting their goals. Good luck this month!