Roll Call ~ Sunday 11/24/24
Posts: 9,179 Member
Mornin' gents.
Hope last night was better for you, Steve. Adjusting down the dose of SSRI's can be tricky in dogs, but a slow taper over 2-4 weeks tends to prevent side effects. The most common one we use is Prozac (fluoxetine). I googled weaning off Zoloft in humans. Sure sounds like your symptoms. Take care, buddy.
Worked yesterday morning. Then came home and took a big nap and really did nothing the rest of the day. I hope to be a little more productive today. M is hoping the same.
Onward and downward ;-)
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Good morning!
Done with the stoopid tricks. I took full dose of Zoloft last night and I am feeling much better today. Yesterday was a bit rocky too. I won't be trying that again. I've been on the Zoloft for several years now. I am getting older and so maybe it won't hurt anything to leave well enough alone and just keep taking it. There is a part of me that would like to be drug free, but with the depression/anxiety and arthritis, that is not much of a reality. I do know that the anxiety and depression both are much better since retiring from stressful work.
We are going to have one last day of warm 60s weather. Too bad the Chiefs are also playing the Carolina Panthers today. Perhaps the yard work can wait and be done while wearing a coat.
The neighbors dog came charging into our yard again yesterday. I have tried to be the good neighbor. I have tried talking that dog down. It is getting more aggressive with Frankie and I. Yesterday was like the third time in less than two weeks. Frankie whimpers whenever she thinks that dog might be out. It is not right. I went ahead and called the police yesterday. They were nice and understanding. They talked with the neighbors. It is not the dog's fault, but the neighbors just let him outside with no electronic collar and with no supervision. Whistling to the dog from the deck door is not supervision. I have not seen him since that. I hope they got the message this time. They had been just blowing me off on this. We've been living with this for a good two years now. Their former dog would bark and get her ruff up, but she wouldn't cross the property line, and we could trust that. Not so with this dog. Last time I talked with the neighbors about this they said "ha, ha, we forgot the collar down at the lake." About a week ago, the neighbor wife saw her dog barking at us in our yard. She called the dog over, I cussed very loudly, and there was no apology, no nothing. I am frustrated to say the least.
Well, enough rant for today. I pray that all of you and your spouses are doing well. Sam, holding you and your DW in earnest prayer for your health.
Have a great day! Go Chiefs!0 -
Ugh, good fences make good neighbors.0
Good Morning,
Agree with good fences since we have finally gotten Pablo where he is not climbing out.
Have heard no complaints against him other than one lady that lives on far side of neighborhood and she claims he makes her dog nervous; Pablo has always been on leash and does not bark, only time they see each other is if we are taking a long walk or they walk up to clubhouse. Not as many long walks since doctor told me to limit walks to two miles.
Church this morning, then getting holiday decor for outside put up before Steve sends rain and very cold temps this way.0 -
Good morning gentlemen.
Monument seems to be quite a bit higher than the Springs, too, Lee. I was thinking it was just a suburb.
I thought of the same Frost quote.
Had a wonderful early Thanksgiving yesterday. We'll be eating leftovers for a few days.0 -
Good Morning
For the record I will only retire my Birks when my mind retires from this reality. My oldest pair, which I just took in, is with me and pretty beat up so I haven't worn them in quite a while. The other pair is packed. I am not sure about the socks and Birks. It just isn't done. But since I am struggling a bit to adjust to the cold and damp, the wool socks and my slip on sneakers are a no brainer. I wore sandals year round in the Bay Area, rain or shine. I am starting to stretch more again since my back stiffens when I go out. Not much planned today beyond devotional time and banging my dulcimer. I will take my socks for a test walk and see if my feet are happier.
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Yup Steve take care of yourself. We are all in your corner!!
Yup damp and cold Bill is the norm where you are.
II am suffering a bit from a stomach/intestinal bout. Wouldn't ya know it our Weightwatchers zoom group started out talking about colonoscopies to wit I said "well I guess I would be good to go". haha.
got to get over this pronto as I am suppose to take a 3 hour train ride to Seattle on Wednesday to see our son for Thanksgiving.
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Yeah, Monument seems to have its own micro climate apart from Denver and Colorado Springs.0
Mornin’ men
Family had early Thanksgiving yesterday. Lots of noisy kids and GKs and friends. Did okay till that first slice of pie… Have lost 7 lbs. recently, hope I didn’t undo that.
DSIL has offered to help move the 600 lb. Steinway upright with his two football player sons. Second week in December after they get back from a vacation. Meanwhile I’m going to do a dry run with my equipment on our stairs to be sure no kinks in the process. DS Nick will help me.