Fri Jan 3 Check In

deskjockey925 Posts: 6,323 Member
  1. Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes?
  2. Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day?
  3. Did I keep track of all the calories I ate or drank?
  4. Pass days (3+ is fine if you reach the max)


  • deskjockey925
    deskjockey925 Posts: 6,323 Member

    Hearty congratulations to our πŸ† UAC December Champions πŸ†
    ... because you showed up, every one of those 30 days...
    ... because you kept yourselves accountable...
    ... and because you never, ever gave up...



    Our πŸŽ‰ Champions πŸŽ‰ show us how to do that hard work of sticking around
    and continuing to post in the UAC every day.
    Anyone can do what comes easy...
    It's when the going gets tough that the Champions keep going πŸ’ͺ😎
    That is some excellent commitment, bravo to all of you!

    Establishing and keeping healthy habits takes dedication and focus.
    Habits are made through steady practice.
    Sometimes, learning involves a few slips or misses...
    The key is to keep trying and striving to improve.
    When we fall, we get back up!
    Because this is for life β€” not simply a challenge or a β€œgame”.

    If you have posted to account for every day right through to the end of the month,
    while using four or more pass days…
    YOU ARE A CHAMPION! We are proud of you πŸ‘πŸΏπŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸΌ