What's on your mind today?

deskjockey925 Posts: 6,544 Member

This space is the best place for you to ask questions or to share information that you want all members to see. It's a place where everyone can come back to for chats that will probably span more than one day. Maybe you want to share an interesting recipe, something you learned or realized, or ask for advice. Bookmark this announcement thread now! This will be one of the busiest spaces during the month....

Perhaps, there is a theme in the daily discussions that you'd like to continue chatting about over multiple days? 💡 Or you've tried something that has worked for you in the past and want to share it with the group? 🌟 Maybe you have a NSV (Non Scale Victory) that you would like to celebrate with the group? 🏆

Whatever you feel comfortable sharing or asking the group for help with -- this is your place. 😊

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  • itladyee
    itladyee Posts: 6,142 Member
  • Chinkiri
    Chinkiri Posts: 1,502 Member
    @DarkNightBrightDays Lovely plate! Hope it helps!
  • yakkystuff
    yakkystuff Posts: 14 Member
    I would want to hang it in kitchen... lol
  • AwkwardHaircut
    AwkwardHaircut Posts: 351 Member
    Today was just one of those days. I didn’t feel like I ate a ton of food (and in fact am hungry now), and yet, I’m nearly 700 calories over my goal.
    Going to try and get some good sleep and hopefully manage my hunger better tomorrow.