The "early burn" in legs

55in13 Posts: 1,091 Member
I have wondered about this sometimes and this morning I did an experiment that really has me wondering...

Sometimes I start on a run and my legs burn before I make it far at all, and I worry about whether I will be able to make it far but generally it subsides and I do fine. Today it happened as I hit the first climb, a really steep one, and I toughed it out and kept going. Sure enough it seemed to subside. I ran 6 miles and was back around where I started and decided to experiment. I did the climb again. I won't say there was no burn, but the discomfort was nothing near what it had been the firs time. I was able to run on up the hill and looped around and even rab up another face of the hill for good measure and finished with 7 miles. So why did my legs burn so much at the beginning of the run and so little toward the end under the same load?


  • txguard61
    txguard61 Posts: 51 Member
    This has happened to me occassionally with no climb. Just a flat trail. Seems like it only happens when i dont warm up first or do not spend enough time warming up. I think it goes awY after about a half mile. Since i have a desk job, everything seems to tighten up alot during the day. If i could work it into my schedule i would try some yoga classes.