Back to work!!!

I have been back to work for 3 weeks now and since I've been back my exercise routine has completely plummeted! When I was home on maternity leave, I was able to do my 30 Day Shred almost every day. Although I am only (10) lbs away from my pre prego weight, I am long way away from being tight in all the right places!!

I want so badly to be able to get up at 5am and bang out my video before I even start my day but that is soooo much easier said than done. How do all those working mamas out there find the time to get there workout in???? Please help! :smile:


  • Wreckyard
    I split up a lot of cardio throughout the day. If you have something like a treadmill, elliptical, or exercise bike, you could hop no that for 15 minutes if you have a chance. I like doing at least 10 minutes of cardio in the morning because it really helps wake me up and motivate me. Maybe you could just wake up and extra 15 minutes early and do something small to get started and gradually build up to the 30DS?
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    I've been back to work the same amount of time as you. I am just starting to be able to get some workouts in at night. The morning just isn't going to do it for now. You'll figure out a routine that fits your family, it just takes some time!
  • renatapiras
    renatapiras Posts: 4 Member
    thanks! just came back from a 15 minute walk around my neighborhood. It felt great to just get out there and stretch the legs! baby steps!
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    I have to do it at night after baby is in bed. I just cannot get up and workout early, even though I'd only have to be up around 6. So usually I start my workouts around 9/10, but I don't usually have to get up until around 7. I also try to do longer things on the weekends like long runs, I kinda feel like it helps even things out.
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    There is no way you will get me up before work. I have tried it and it was easier when I didn't have a baby in the house. Now that I have two kids running around and a house to take care of I enjoy my sleep and I take it. I exercise after the kids go to bed or in the evenings after work. Now that the days are nice I take the kids with me. I have a 9 year old and a 9 month. I strap the baby to the stroller and my son likes the mommy time he gets to talk to me about his day and school. Now my son has football practice for 2 hours every evening instead of sitting in my camping chair with all the other moms gossiping about other moms I take the baby and we walk through the neighborhood surrounding the school and the town for a good hour sometimes and then I get the other hour for the coaches meetings and to feed baby girl. When the cold and snow hits I know I won't be able to do that so I am stocking up on yoga dvds, and walking dvds as well as use my 30 day shred and p90X dvds. My hubby has no trouble watching the baby while I work out and my son sometimes does it with me. I don't always make it everyday but if I can consistently be out there 3-4 times per week I do not hate myself if I can't do more. I just try to really watch my diet and make really good choices.
  • GinE73
    Just try to do your best and fit it in whenever you can! I have been back to work for a while and am STILL trying to figure out a workout routine. There's no way I can wake up to workout and then when I get home I would much rather spend the time with my son and then when he's asleep I enjoy quality time with my hubby. Sooo, I just try to go on walks at my break times and lunch. My son is almost one now and is starting to dance so I think I might try a Zumba dvd with him and see how it goes. Good luck- you can do it! ;)
  • momRN2B
    momRN2B Posts: 247 Member
    I usually workout at night after my kids are in bed, its the only time i can fit it in. Oh, and i love The 30 day shred!