Fav Workout

happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
What is your favorite workout or physical activity?

I love to play Volleyball. It's so much fun that I don't realize how many calories I'm burning until I go to enter them.


  • Coolhand1969
    Coolhand1969 Posts: 821 Member
    I love basketball, volleyball, and really about any team sport... The problems with them are 1) I don't have friends to play with 2) if they are planned events, they are difficult to fit in my (and others) busy schedules...

    I also really love cycling... It's a bit harder to fit in myschedule than running though... which I would have to say is my favorite cardio activity, just for the burn per minute invested, as well as convenience factor..
  • daileymomma
    daileymomma Posts: 2 Member
    My favorite is zumba! And I just found a new favorite--hiking! Went to brown county state park a couple weekends ago and went on a looooong hike,it was amazing. So going to do that more often as well!