So, I hurt myself..



  • georgie304
    Doing any better today?

    It felt better today.. but not completely. Still a little strained. So I'm just going to wait another day. I did the WOD last night. It was more pullups and box jumps and also some wall walks. So I lucked out again without the squats. Haha. I am still not 100% confident today either, and I might not luck out again today with the squat-less WOD, so I'll have to see what the WOD is before I head there as my box doesn't post the workout online.

    But thank you for asking! That was nice of you. :)

    Glad to hear there is imporvement. Keep babying it and I'm sure you'll be fine next week. Have an awesome weekend! Hoping for a squatless WOD.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Doing any better today?

    It felt better today.. but not completely. Still a little strained. So I'm just going to wait another day. I did the WOD last night. It was more pullups and box jumps and also some wall walks. So I lucked out again without the squats. Haha. I am still not 100% confident today either, and I might not luck out again today with the squat-less WOD, so I'll have to see what the WOD is before I head there as my box doesn't post the workout online.

    But thank you for asking! That was nice of you. :)

    Slow and steady wins the race. I'm sure they will let you work around the injury as needed. Glad to hear it is gettng better. Foam roll it if you can (lightly) as I think that will help loosen it up too. Of course if that causes the twinge just lay off entirely.
  • vs1023
    vs1023 Posts: 417 Member
    I just started CrossFit, but not new to some of the movements and leg issues, etc. Foam rolling or rolling on a lacrosse ball helps me and stretches for the psoas help too. So i'd work my achilles up my calf, hamstrings, glutes and hips, do some quad and inner thigh too and of course the IT band. Also if you see a chiropractor and can get some massage therapy it may help speed things up. I pulled mine when doing walking lunges in warm up one day and I was like "really?" and it was only certain movements that did it.