Help me lose weight :(

Hi Everyone, I am a mother of two beautiful kids,aged 2 and 3 months... I was a model before my marriage but now I have become really heavy after my second baby and I am having a very poor self image. Please please help me stay focussed on losing weight...I just cannot find time to exercise. Something more about me...I was a vegeterian ,but I have started eating chicken since I had my second baby 3 months ago. I do plan to go back to being a complete vegeterian once I stop breast feeding. Any tips to lose weight are welcome.


  • HKHAN1982
    HKHAN1982 Posts: 89 Member

    Don't feel bad, I'm in the same boat, except my baby is now 3 yrs old! :( I only gained 25 lbs. with my 2nd kid. I only had like 10 lbs. to lose so I wasn't too serious about it, but 3 yrs later, my weight has pretty much stayed the same. I'm at a standstill. I workout about 3 times a week, but I don't log my food in now as I did regularly for about 6 months but didn't see much of a difference. I think it's because I don't really have the time to change my eating habits. I work full time from home, have one kid in 3rd grade and 1 in daycare. I usually just try to get whatever's fast and easy on the table for dinner and it's hard to please everyone. We can try to help each other as I too am just trying to lose the baby weight and also like to be at my goal weight of 140 lbs. again.

  • jocop2003
    jocop2003 Posts: 468 Member
    Hi, I know how discouraging it can be. I am a mom of a 7 and 5 year old and have been struggling to lose weight to. Over the past 4 years my weight has been slowly creeping up. And to top it off I am a police officer, so for me being fit and in shape is important.

    I returned from holidays 4 weeks ago and gained 5 lbs, my uniform was so tight. My co-worker shared a program with me from and I decided to try it, it is meant for short term, so I have to figure out another program to eat that is more realistic. but it really has helped me out.

    I also removed wheat and diary from my diet as I am sensitive to them.

    This is the program I am doing, not sure what I will do after it, I am doing it for 7 days may a couple longer until I find a good transitional program as I don't want to gain after and continue losing weight.

    This is day 5 and so far I lost 4.8 lbs in 4 days and I really only want to lose 20 lbs.

    There are tons of programs on that are free, as well as Jackie Warner "this is why your fat" program is really good as it restricts how many startchy carbs/grains, fruit and dairy you have which all have tons of natural sugar in them

    Another one is Tosca Reno eat clean.

    Good luck and you can message me anytime.

    I am working out to Jullian Michaels's body revolution but plan to get back into the gym, once my schedule has more of a routine with my kids as they are just starting there new programs.
  • AishaL1
    AishaL1 Posts: 31 Member
    The best advice I can give you is love yourself even at what you think is your worst, to become your best. If your self esteem is low, you won't have the drive to be consistent with anything you do. The second best advice is take it one day at time. Try making a list of all the things that you struggle with and come up with alternatives to start seeing results on the nutrition side. So far as exercise, it should be what you like to do so it doesn't feel like a chore,maybe something you can do at home to save on time. And last but not least Believe that You Can and Will reach your goals, because you are your Greatest Asset! Xoxo