TMI, but I could use some advice...



  • happyheathen927
    happyheathen927 Posts: 167 Member
    Oh good Gods, I pee myself every damn time I jump rope. I've taken to wearing pads to the box. Apparently there was a down-side to birthing 3 11# babies. :noway:
  • georgie304
    I am sitting at my desk LMAO...hoping nobody asks what's so funny.

    Y'all rock!
  • happyheathen927
    happyheathen927 Posts: 167 Member
    Yep, I get Crossfit Butt Rash every time we more than a few situps. The shower after brings tears to my eyes.

    I just started using Glide on my bum. It's made for runners to prevent friction/chaffing (i.e. bloody nipples, chub rub thigh rash). It looks like a stick deodorant. Works wonders! :love:

    The first time I did Annie was the day before my colonscopy (since we have already entered TMI land). I felt like I had to explain to the doc why I had a huge, bloody rash on my bum. I'm not sure he bought my explanation. :blushing: :blushing:

    Tears, yep. I actually screamed when the soap hit it. So where does one find Glide?
  • Dmkolls
    Dmkolls Posts: 150 Member
    and even more TMI and I am not sure if I am alone in this, but the handstand kip queefs. Kid you not. Doesn't happen all of the time but there are just some days where it is like every single damn HSPU. For those of you working your way up to them, prepare yourselves!

    I didn't even know that was possible! I haven't mastered a handstand yet. I'll make sure to work as close to the speaker as possible to drown out the noise. :ohwell:
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    and even more TMI and I am not sure if I am alone in this, but the handstand kip queefs. Kid you not. Doesn't happen all of the time but there are just some days where it is like every single damn HSPU. For those of you working your way up to them, prepare yourselves!

    YES! This! It's the worst! I don't even think there is a solution. It's embarrassing.

    I also get sit-up rash. :-(
  • Dmkolls
    Dmkolls Posts: 150 Member
    Oh good Gods, I pee myself every damn time I jump rope. I've taken to wearing pads to the box. Apparently there was a down-side to birthing 3 11# babies. :noway:

    I had no babies, but my bladder still likes to release when I'm doing singles (haven't mastered the DU). I don't know what' its excuse is, but I make sure I run to the restroom right before we start.....and wear dark pants.

    What I hate is when we have jump rope AND then situps in the same WOD...I'll tinkle with the jump rope, and then I feel like I'm displaying it with my situp.
  • cmay89
    cmay89 Posts: 337 Member
    and even more TMI and I am not sure if I am alone in this, but the handstand kip queefs. Kid you not. Doesn't happen all of the time but there are just some days where it is like every single damn HSPU. For those of you working your way up to them, prepare yourselves!

    YES! This! It's the worst! I don't even think there is a solution. It's embarrassing.

    I also get sit-up rash. :-(

    oh thank goodness. I thought I might be the only one out there. The best and closest thing I have found to a solution is just keeping my core really really tight from start to finish. There are still days though, where I'll do that and it continues to happen.
  • ortega1990
    ortega1990 Posts: 236 Member
    Can't forget the inevitable leakage during double unders. Nobody escapes that !

    yep... felt that coming on when I was doing singles at a furious pace (haven't made it to DU yet)... I thought I better wear a pad when I see DUs in the WOD! :noway:
  • juliebeannn
    juliebeannn Posts: 428 Member
    monkey butt. ugh. we talk about this openly at my box.

    my husband's tailbone actually sticks out a lot, so he gets it REALLYYYYY bad. he has a permanent scab on his butt.

    he either resorts to using the GHD instead or uses a rolled up yoga mat for some extra padding. he tried body glide (anti chafing stuff) and baby powder also. he says the yoga mat helps the most.

    i usually don't get it unless we're doing a 200 sit up cash out or something.
  • momof2osaurus
    momof2osaurus Posts: 477 Member
    :laugh: :flowerforyou:

    Thanks for the laughs, guys!!
  • happyheathen927
    happyheathen927 Posts: 167 Member
    I really should just get over myself and ask about this stuff when I'm there. But I'm usually the only female around when I go and I'm just weird like that...
  • fakeittomakeit
    fakeittomakeit Posts: 48 Member
    When I first noticed my *kitten* rash, I almost went to the hospital because I couldn't figure out what caused it. I only felt it a few hours after the workout and then noticed the blood..... I have done sit ups since and have not had it happen again, possibly from going slower for fear of *kitten* rash. Between that and constantly peeing myself, there is no room for modesty. : ) I agree that there is no such thing as TMI when discussing these matters. : ) Best of luck, the suggestions I've seen are great!
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    You can get the runner's glide stick at any running store . . . I am not sure where else.
    I think everyone gets this. The towel or the extra mat helps the most, for me. Also, you just have to work up a little callous, by doing them every day for a while.
    I also think it helps to go slower; then you are not bouncing around so much. But, of course, that is easier said than done when you are doing a WOD.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Can't forget the inevitable leakage during double unders. Nobody escapes that !

    Unless you're a man.....
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    But seriously...for that look up Kegel exercises. Should help strengthen things down there to help prevent or at least delay leaking.
  • cmay89
    cmay89 Posts: 337 Member
    But seriously...for that look up Kegel exercises. Should help strengthen things down there to help prevent or at least delay leaking.

    been doing Kegels for quite some time now (due to life-long bladder/medical issues). Helps some, but not as much as men may or may not think. For others, it's worth a shot, but alas, no matter how much I focus on them... leakage happens. Period.

    Plus the "unless you're a man" was inferred as at that point it was only women commenting. :smile:
  • RivenV
    RivenV Posts: 1,667 Member
    But seriously...for that look up Kegel exercises. Should help strengthen things down there to help prevent or at least delay leaking.

    been doing Kegels for quite some time now (due to life-long bladder/medical issues). Helps some, but not as much as men may or may not think. For others, it's worth a shot, but alas, no matter how much I focus on them... leakage happens. Period.

    Plus the "unless you're a man" was inferred as at that point it was only women commenting. :smile:

    Since we're well into TMI-land, I'd like to ask if you apply as much diligence to your Kegel training as you do to your lifting/strength training. Like, do you "hold" the Kegel for a set amount of time, release, repeat; or is it more a rapid pace? I wet the bed at a young age until I was no longer that young of an age, and Kegels were one of the things I had to learn to do to get better about it. They actually had a routine like -- hold the Kegel for about 10-15 seconds, release and rest about 10-15 seconds, repeat for 10 sets.
  • georgie304
    Kegel... I would really like to know whether or not this truly helps thangs for my man... Since we ARE in TMIland.... I mean... if I am gonna try to tighten thangs up during an initimate moment to make things more pleasurable for him... Is it really that much more pleasurable... cuz it is distracting as hell for me. But... I gotta do all I can to takes good care of my hubby, cuz he takes good care of me!
  • cmay89
    cmay89 Posts: 337 Member
    But seriously...for that look up Kegel exercises. Should help strengthen things down there to help prevent or at least delay leaking.

    been doing Kegels for quite some time now (due to life-long bladder/medical issues). Helps some, but not as much as men may or may not think. For others, it's worth a shot, but alas, no matter how much I focus on them... leakage happens. Period.

    Plus the "unless you're a man" was inferred as at that point it was only women commenting. :smile:

    Since we're well into TMI-land, I'd like to ask if you apply as much diligence to your Kegel training as you do to your lifting/strength training. Like, do you "hold" the Kegel for a set amount of time, release, repeat; or is it more a rapid pace? I wet the bed at a young age until I was no longer that young of an age, and Kegels were one of the things I had to learn to do to get better about it. They actually had a routine like -- hold the Kegel for about 10-15 seconds, release and rest about 10-15 seconds, repeat for 10 sets.

    Every day I can. I was always told that routine from the doctors. It's usually something I can do on my morning commute or sitting at my desk... It helps to "hold it in", but the jarring motion of jumping for double unders is a totally other story.
    Kegel... I would really like to know whether or not this truly helps thangs for my man... Since we ARE in TMIland.... I mean... if I am gonna try to tighten thangs up during an initimate moment to make things more pleasurable for him... Is it really that much more pleasurable... cuz it is distracting as hell for me. But... I gotta do all I can to takes good care of my hubby, cuz he takes good care of me!

    And then this point as well! I've attempted to use these muscles in this way and it is so distracting, because in my head I'm silently counting how long I'm holding it, or getting creative with the hold/release pattern/frequency. It just has never been a subconscious kind of thing for me. I really have to multitask and put some focus into it. Perhaps if I focused on it doing double unders, there might not be as much leakage, but I don't think I could focus both on the Kegel and the double under and I whip myself enough as is! Super catch 22 there.... :grumble: