Body Modification is a form of Self Mutilation

I was on my way to workout this morning with my closest friend whom I have known for 11 years. She has seen me through many hardships. I was discussing my tattoo appointment to finish up my leg piece and the beginning of another when she out of no where tells me she is worried about me. I need to seek professional counseling as to why I want to participate in self mutilation. This is the same person who helped me get my crap together after an abusive relationship I was in and as I was becoming clean and sober. Not only did I live in a controlling environment, but I worked in one also. Tattoos and body piercings had to be covered.

I'm now employed at a company that allows room for self expression and I'm in a relationship where he excepts me for who I am. He may not always like the idea, but he gives me breathing room to be myself. I have a wonderful story to tell so why not display it?

Your thoughts? Is body modification an act of self mutilation and shall I seek "professional" counseling?

P.S. My tattoo sessions have been more therapeutic for me than any "sessions" I have had to sit thru.


  • Iron_Lotus
    Iron_Lotus Posts: 2,295 Member
    She's an idiot. I love you, you are amazing don't let what she said get to you. I guess I need a *kitten* load of help then…
  • TikiTony13
    me too!:tongue:
  • SweetLilyR
    SweetLilyR Posts: 283 Member
    I have a degree in Psychology and Counseling - shall I be your therapist? Although I do have 4 tats and 8 perhaps I'm just suffering from the same self-destructive tendencies that you all have.

    I think she's full of crap, btw. And that's my professional opinion too.
  • Leather_N_Lace
    Leather_N_Lace Posts: 518 Member
    @triana. thank you for your professional opinion :-)I think she's just jealous because I feel comfortable doing things like this to my body I feel beautiful doing it
  • jesusHchris
    jesusHchris Posts: 1,405 Member
    That type of judgmental nonsense always sprouts from some issues the accuser themselves is dealing with. Don't let it get to you and just hope they can sort out their own problems, as it is likely affecting their own life in a negative way.

    Maybe they need some tattoos.
  • scunningham2012
    scunningham2012 Posts: 159 Member
    I find tattoos are a great way to express myself to people who don't know me without saying a word. I have them in spots that won't cause any trouble until I learned at work that, as long as it's appropriate (no naked women, etc.) it can be shown with no problems.

    I may only have two but they mean everything to me and my third one will mean a lot too (it's a thought in progress, lol).
  • MrsYoungIII
    MrsYoungIII Posts: 41 Member
    I look at it as art. All of my tattoos are custom tattoos designed for a reason and a meaning. My first tattoo was a heart with ribbon going through it. The heart had a halo and wings and said my nephew's birthday and the day he passed. It has huge meaning to me. I got it because I almost lost my locket of him and figured that way he'd always be with me. Tattoos are huge in my family. My brother designed that one and I have both of my daughters's newborn foot prints and their name and bday. The one most ppl don't see is my chinese symbol for strength which is the only one that's not special in someway but for me it's my reminder that though I've been to hell & back in my life, I had the strength to make it thru it all. Not that it's a huge example but if she dyes her hair...she's modifying herself. If tattoos and peircing were self mutulation can you imagine how full "pych wards" would be? I'm not sure that I could walk through walmart without see atleast 10ppl with a tattoo.