Out of hiding

I haven't been on here in a while because I have been hiding. Seriously... I hurt myself months ago during kickboxing and haven't been able to work out and what I have realized is that working out and counting calories pretty much go hand in hand for me... SO I have been off the chain with my eating. With not working out and not watching what I have been eating I have gained a lot of the weight that I worked hard to loose. SO what am I going to do... My confession is... I don't know... I honestly enjoyed not having to watch what I was eating... and part of I think what makes me feel better about counting calories when I am working out is that I get a lot more flexibility when it comes to my calorie counting. WIth not working out I mean I feel hungry... I don't know... I don't even know if I am making sense... But I am confused myself. Why don't I have the self discipline to just not eat so much... Why does it have to be such a big deal? Why cant I just do it... Hmph... Since I am back I am sure I will have a few more rants but I guess the first step is at least logging into MFP.


  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    I'm glad you're back!! :) we all hit slumps at times and wonder is it worth it and ultimately IT IS worth it, we owe it to our health and our bodies to take care of ourselves properly.

    You'll soon get back into the swing of tracking your food and exercising...go on ..just DO it :-D
  • Casie2323
    I understand what you are going through! I weigh 185 right now but just a few years ago I weighed 160. I am so determined to be skinnier than that but the food and laziness is just tooo tempting! I love chocolate and ice cream sooo much that I cant say no to it. where I work they have desserts for dinner and they are so amazing! but I have recently been saying no. I don't really have a support system so its just me. but my point is if I can do it so can u!