Advice for post-5k moving on to Zombies, Run!

dekutree Posts: 65 Member
Hi there,

After next week I'll've finished the 5k training! I'm running a 5k race on Halloween so I'll have a month to keep on going, improve times, etc. I'm obviously keen to start using the Zombies, Run! main app as I love the story side of things. However, I've also really enjoyed the structure and interval training of the 5k training. Any suggestions on how I should continue? Any 5k graduates who've been maintaining/improving, or perhaps starting the bridge to 10k?




  • asp415
    asp415 Posts: 1,492 Member
    I graduated on 8/21 & have continued to run about 4 days a week after this, but only downloaded the actual Zombies Run about a week & a half ago. As far as the story goes, it’s great. I have no complaints. On my last run on Friday I decided to finally turn on the zombie chase & low & behold I didn’t encounter any mobs. It is my understanding that the chases help you interval as you need to run faster than you were in order to get away & once you get away you can slow down again.

    I downloaded the B210K app, but it seemed like it was just training you to be able to run an hour & that I can already do. It’s my speed that eventually I will need to work on. Right now I am still working on endurance. I know this doesn’t help answer your question much. Hopefully someone has a better answer than I do.
  • dekutree
    dekutree Posts: 65 Member
    I know this doesn’t help answer your question much. Hopefully someone has a better answer than I do.

    That is helpful! Thanks for sharing, and congrats on graduating and continuing running. Good to know the Zombies story is good! I suppose my fear is that without a structure, and going into the winter months, my enthusiasm could dwindle. Right now I'm feeling really positive, so hopefully not...!

  • dekutree
    dekutree Posts: 65 Member
    But Season 1 doesn't give you any structure, right? It's entirely free running, or, if you turn on the chases, the randomly you have to increase your speed for a period of time? So if I wanted to follow a programme which included intervals, I'd just have to figure it out using the timer?
  • asp415
    asp415 Posts: 1,492 Member
    yes, it is all running w/intervals IF the zombie chases are on.
  • OregonRunner5
    OregonRunner5 Posts: 404 Member
    Good luck on your Halloween 5K :D !!

    Training is pretty personal so I can't offer up much advice except don't get hurt during the zombie chases :D
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    Good luck on your Halloween 5K :D !!

    Training is pretty personal so I can't offer up much advice except don't get hurt during the zombie chases :D

    My friend tells a story about when he was trail running and a zombie chase started. He tripped over a root, rolled over one shoulder, got up and kept running...never got caught. For a 50yo I thought that was pretty impressive! :)

    I started ZR immediately after finishing 5K training and didn't have a problem, but that was months ago and I have yet to turn on the zombie chases. They would give me agita, lol! Just hearing the nasty things groaning and breathing in the background is enough to make my heart speed up!
  • I completed Zombies5K last week and started Zombies Run!

    I found I flailed a little just doing straight runs - basically, I need someone telling me what to do in order to run longer. So I use RunKeeper in the background with run/walk intervals programmed in.
  • asp415
    asp415 Posts: 1,492 Member
    ^^ congrats on finishing the program.
  • dekutree
    dekutree Posts: 65 Member
    I completed Zombies5K last week and started Zombies Run!

    I found I flailed a little just doing straight runs - basically, I need someone telling me what to do in order to run longer. So I use RunKeeper in the background with run/walk intervals programmed in.

    Yes, congrats! Do you use RunKeeper and Zombies, Run! simultaneously? How?
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    I completed Zombies5K last week and started Zombies Run!

    I found I flailed a little just doing straight runs - basically, I need someone telling me what to do in order to run longer. So I use RunKeeper in the background with run/walk intervals programmed in.

    Yes, congrats! Do you use RunKeeper and Zombies, Run! simultaneously? How?

    I just found this, hope it helps:
  • Fiveling
    Fiveling Posts: 44 Member
    I didn't use the 5k app, I went straight onto the ZR app. But what I did (and still do, to an extent) is to walk or jog for the spoken parts, and then run when a song starts playing until the end of the song. It means you run more than you walk, generally, and now I'm getting to the point where I can jog about half of the spoken parts rather than walk them (yesterday I managed to run for 15 minutes this way!).
  • asp415
    asp415 Posts: 1,492 Member
    I didn't use the 5k app, I went straight onto the ZR app. But what I did (and still do, to an extent) is to walk or jog for the spoken parts, and then run when a song starts playing until the end of the song. It means you run more than you walk, generally, and now I'm getting to the point where I can jog about half of the spoken parts rather than walk them (yesterday I managed to run for 15 minutes this way!).

    That's great! you are well on your way to running the full 30min.
  • Bob_Sutton
    Bob_Sutton Posts: 27 Member
    Yes, congrats! Do you use RunKeeper and Zombies, Run! simultaneously? How?

    I have used both Zombies, Run! and Runkeeper at the same time on my iPhone. I would start the Runkeeper app with music turned off, then go to the home screen and started Zombies, Run! Runkeeper stays running in the background and will still give whatever audio updates you tell it to.

    It does take a few extra steps to start up and stop both apps, but was handy for me before Zombies, Run! added in time and distance updates. The Runkeeper audio updates can pop up at inopportune times like in the middle of a story section, but if you limit the amount of info it tells you it is not too bad.
  • I'm on week two of the 5K training and just started doing the radio missions on the regular ZR app (couldn't help myself - just had to get my first sports bra! lol) One thing i've done is set my playlist (not on shuffle) and order the songs so that it's a walking beat one song then a running beat for the next. My other option is I tell myself when a certain band's songs come on I run, the rest I walk. You could do that in reverse - or like someone else said run for the music and walk for the story.