Ladies with kids and full time jobs - Please read.

Okay ladies, I try to make time for myself every other day, at the least but its seems pretty hard when you work from 8 - 5 and get home to 2 kids that want your attention 100%, plus dinner and a husband. I often wonder how other ladies do it??? What do you do to squeeze in an hour of exercise? How do you do it? What does your schedule look like?


  • tanya0324
    tanya0324 Posts: 86 Member
    I either do it at 5AM or at 9pm. It usually ends up at 9 though because at 5AM, I feel like I'm just going through the motions. This month has been hard for me too though now that school is back in. I'm trying to remotivate myself.
  • weightedfootsteps
    weightedfootsteps Posts: 4,349 Member
    I'm a single mom of two kids. I work usually full time...but my boss likes to toy with me..LOL Telling me I get two days of work then calling the next day with several days worth of work.

    My schedule flip flops like crazy. My oldest daughter is now 13 so she can watch her 8 yr. old sis. I cook dinners before work or the night before...and yes there are frozen (microwave) meals as well...because I do what I can. I schedule time with my trainer on either a day off or a day that I work late at night. So that way I can exercise, come home prepare a meal, squeeze in a nap (maybe) then off to work. I also like to take my dog for an hour walk in the evening if I'm working I still get in the exercise. Been trying to teach the kids that if we only need a few things...we can walk to the store. They don't like that...LOL But I can tell it helps them a lot! Its about a 20-25 min. walk there, then around the store and come back home.

    This crazy schedule is why I won't always be able to weigh in on Thursdays...but I will try to weigh as soon as possible.
  • JenWhite4022
    JenWhite4022 Posts: 27 Member
    I'm in the same boat, except I only have one kid. My husband is awesome and will give me time to work out and will cook dinner if needed. But if I let him cook dinner he usually orders pizza or makes something super easy and full of calories. I have a fitness DVD that I have been doing in the basement after dinner and my son will come down and watch/"workout" too (he loves to punch and jump around). I think that trying to squeeze in mom time is hard so maybe find activities that everyone likes to do (i.e. family walking or bike rides) might help until the weather gets colder. :)
  • AdriMinus80
    I'm in the same boat, except I only have one kid. My husband is awesome and will give me time to work out and will cook dinner if needed. But if I let him cook dinner he usually orders pizza or makes something super easy and full of calories. I have a fitness DVD that I have been doing in the basement after dinner and my son will come down and watch/"workout" too (he loves to punch and jump around). I think that trying to squeeze in mom time is hard so maybe find activities that everyone likes to do (i.e. family walking or bike rides) might help until the weather gets colder. :)

    That's true. I like the idea of doing family things together for exercise.
  • Dch2272
    Dch2272 Posts: 93 Member
    I am a married mother of three boys ages 8 - 13. I also work a full time job, which during this time of the year is 50 - 60 hours a week. I decided that if I was going to do this, I had to hit the gym at 5am. I get up at 4:15, get myself ready, sign whatever needs to be signed in the kids backpacks (I usually fall asleep before remembering to do this), and head out the door. I started this back in mid April and am so happy that I did. I feel 1000% better. It's not easy by any means, I really wanted to stay in bed this morning, but I am determined to do it right this time.

    In the evenings, following dinner, boy scouts/cub scouts, tumbling class, and soccer practice, we are attempting to find time to get some exercise as a family. It's challenging, but it's important to us to keep the kids off of the video games and make sure they learn how to make healthy choices.

    Oh yeah, and my boys (much to their dislike) are in bed between 8:30 and 9pm every night. I've trained them to be morning people. :-) Although, I typically find my 13 year old on the xbox when I get back from the gym just before 5am.