Progress Pics! 9/20

aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
Take some today if you're not doing it regularly. If you do take regular progress pics then take a glamour shot. If you never take them use this as your photographic starting point. Taking pics is a serious tool that shouldn't be ignored. This can be a major confidence booster over time. We don't notice all the little changes in our bodies from day to day. The camera does. Use it.

Take these shots:



Do it with your shirt off, but do it in the same clothes every time. If you want to do it in just your underwear then by all means don't let me stop you.

This is NOT a required pics thread. You don't have to post them anywhere. These are for YOUR personal benefit, not anybody elses. Unless you really want to post your pics. I can't stop you.


  • verdemujer
    verdemujer Posts: 1,397 Member
    My girls have asked for a before and current picture. I've been putting it off because I don't feel like I've made progress (per the scale) very much but clothes say something different. I also haven't done my measurements in a while and I need to do that too. Thanks AakAakAak.
  • I'm barely to the point that I have convinced myself that I need to get my measurements done since I'm considering myself as starting over now that I'm diagnosed and being treated... pictures are still a traumatic thought for me (case in point, Super Trainer suggested I use a picture taken in May for a profile pic for something because she sees it as a great pic, all I see is the belly roll from how I'm sitting) so I still need work on having that done (maybe once I get the measurements done I can convince myself that pictures can be done)
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    Taking pics can be a very sobering experience. Realize that you're going to continually look better the next time you take them. The first set of progress pics I took I cried a little. It gets better. Especially with you, now that you know whats going on, they'll get better.
  • Taking pics can be a very sobering experience. Realize that you're going to continually look better the next time you take them. The first set of progress pics I took I cried a little. It gets better. Especially with you, now that you know whats going on, they'll get better.
    I know, I'm still seeing myself as what I have been for the past year, and seeing pictures taken in a non intentional situation have been very sobering, but I also know I can't see myself through somebody else's eyes so I don't believe what I'm being told. Super Trainer has threatened that she's going to start hitting me when I say I'm fat (like when I asked another trainer who was taking pics of her client who is training for competition if I was going to be in her view of her pics because I didn't want the judges to take points off for fat, sweaty, slobbery mess me being in the background... Super Trainer also threatened to have her boyfriend-who is a friend of mine- and another of my friends hit me too... I reminded all of them that I hit back now)... of course yesterday she threatened to spank me when I wouldn't do a plank on my toes (I had been on my toes when I started and I lasted about 20 seconds before I went to my knees, it's not my fault she didn't see it because she wasn't paying attention).
    I bought a tank top that says "under Construction" to remind me that I am working on it, so I am working on the picture thing too.
    Thanks for the support and encouragement Aak!
  • verdemujer
    verdemujer Posts: 1,397 Member
    Well - I took them and they are in my thread. I wasn't feeling like I had made much progress but when I look at the picture I had taken back in 2011 - I can see a difference. I'm glad I did took them now in reponse to this thread and my daughter's request. I'll have a better set of pictures for comparsion next time.