Week 6 Weigh In 9/20 - 9/26

aefallis Posts: 169 Member
Hope everyone did well last week. Hope everyone who was fighting sickness is feeling better.

Here's the link to the spreadsheet https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ag7my0XCi1eBdG4yM3c0QmFpcDJjQ2twSjBXMDR2a2c&usp=sharing


  • aefallis
    aefallis Posts: 169 Member
    Weigh in for me today. The weekend was horrible and then was followed by a horrible week. I already know I gained and am right back up over 200. My husband is my own worst enemy when it comes to trying to eat properly. Its very frustrating since I have to cut down portion sizes and snacking...and its going to be a lifetime thing but he's always trying to get me to eat more. Sigh. Hoping he gets on board with me soon. I know it'll be easier once he's finally ready to lose weight as well. Going to get through this weekend and start over Monday. I'd start back up today but I'd be setting myself up for failure. Daughter's birthday is this weekend (last birthday of the year for us) so a lot of junk.
  • ladypitek
    ladypitek Posts: 91 Member
    I've been working out harder than ever! I may be eating a few too many cookies though. I haven't gained any weight but I also haven't lost any. But I'm not giving up, I'm just trying to work that much harder in the gym :)
  • WickedStitch
    WickedStitch Posts: 19 Member
    Rambo,aka husband comes home this weekend. He's a carbo loader and won't gain a thing. I even sniff carbs and gain, so it should be interesting.

    I'm hoping that my energy will come back. I need to move more.