Was weight loss stagnent when you first started Crossfit?



    MDLNH Posts: 587 Member
    I'm in month 4 of CrossFit and I've stopped using my body scale. I know I'm up 5 pounds or so, but the results I'm seeing in the mirror and in my clothes are the proof. It's working. At first you will retain a ton of water. It's normal. After your muscles start to adapt that will even out.

    I agree with everyone who says to make sure you eat enough to sustain the level of activity CrossFit demands. I'm bad about not eating enough and have to force myself sometimes.

    Keep going though!

    I agree with this post . . .

    I too, haven't seen much change in my overall weight, but my the fit of my clothes tell a different story (in a good way). I've also noticed an steady increase in my endurance, stamina and overall strength. BTW - I've been crossfitting for over a year and currently go 3+ times a week. The rest of my days are spent either cycling/spinning, running and/or swimming.

    Good Luck !!!
  • kathheen
    kathheen Posts: 108 Member
    Me to! I haven’t lost a single pound started crossfit 4 months ago when I stopped smoking I go 3 x week, run 2 x week and bootcamp 2x week. But on the plus side I haven’t put on weight and I have lost some inches. It gets depressing not seeing the scales move but I love crossfit so much I dont want to give it up. I to only wish I had started it after I got to my target weight. I'm now going to try clean eating see if it helps im so clueless when it comes to nutrition and always thought ‘eat less exercise more, lose weight’ doesn’t seem to work though
    I'm a slave to the scales – cant help it just the way I am!:laugh:
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member

    BCAA's my friend... nothing better for muscle repair/soreness... along with foam rolling.

    I take Catalyst from Advocare because that's what my box sells, but is there one you recommend?

    Also, their bottle says to take them BEFORE a workout, but I hear people in here say they take after. Is there a difference?

    I think the idea is that for the BCAAs to be in your bloodstream and ready to help muscle repair, you need to eat them before the workout so you can digest them.

    I've also seen it said that if you want to use protein shakes for the same purpose to drink them two hours BEFORE the workout session.
  • Howbouto
    Howbouto Posts: 2,121 Member
    Hello, I took my 3rd crossfit class last night and I love it. However, this thread scares me a little. I still have 40 pounds to lose and I am already I slow loser. I really don't care what the scale says but really want to lose this gut I have. Should I not start crossfit until I peel more fat off? I'm really confused, I thought this would help me lose fat.
  • cmay89
    cmay89 Posts: 337 Member
    Hello, I took my 3rd crossfit class last night and I love it. However, this thread scares me a little. I still have 40 pounds to lose and I am already I slow loser. I really don't care what the scale says but really want to lose this gut I have. Should I not start crossfit until I peel more fat off? I'm really confused, I thought this would help me lose fat.

    Keep at a deficit and you will continue to lose. That is a fact of weight loss that will never change. You'll mostly lose inches, not so much weight generally speaking if my other friends and myself are any way of predicting. Keep your protein up pretty high. A lot of girls at my box (myself included) have seen a lot of luck with losing more inches by doing so. I stay at TDEE -15% and keep my protein around 1 g per pound of bodyweight and have seen slight variations in the scale the last couple of weeks, but I'm starting to look different. Particularly my midsection... much less bloating as of late.

    If you eat right and train hard you'll see changes. Try not to focus on the scale, but focus on maintaining the right intake of calories and macros. This is not something to be scared of.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    Yep, I have lost inches, but not a whole lot of weight.

    A couple things I noticed:

    1. While CrossFit does great things for body shaping, it does not burn as many calories as you think it does. Wear an HRM to get your burn numbers right. I average around 375 calories for an hour (warmup, strength, WOD).

    2. Eat more protein.

    3. Adding additional cardio 1-2 times per week can kick start weight loss. I started doing this to train for the Tough Mudder and I broke my plateau, going from 139ish to 136 consistently.

    Keep in mind though that weight loss isn't everything. I put on a pair of pants I haven't warn in a year and it's hanging off me. I can actually pull them up and down without unbuttoning or unzipping.
  • ascrit
    ascrit Posts: 770 Member
    Yep, I have lost inches, but not a whole lot of weight.

    A couple things I noticed:

    1. While CrossFit does great things for body shaping, it does not burn as many calories as you think it does. Wear an HRM to get your burn numbers right. I average around 375 calories for an hour (warmup, strength, WOD).

    This is true, though also keep in mind that your body continues to burn calories even after your workout is over. While that can be difficult to capture, it is important to keep in mind. Another good reason to eat something after a workout. ;-)

  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    Yep, I have lost inches, but not a whole lot of weight.

    A couple things I noticed:

    1. While CrossFit does great things for body shaping, it does not burn as many calories as you think it does. Wear an HRM to get your burn numbers right. I average around 375 calories for an hour (warmup, strength, WOD).

    This is true, though also keep in mind that your body continues to burn calories even after your workout is over. While that can be difficult to capture, it is important to keep in mind. Another good reason to eat something after a workout. ;-)


    Indeed. But since I can't capture it, I don't count it. I figure that everything works itself out though. I go over my calories from time to time...and still maintaining/losing (although weight loss isn't my primary goal).

    I LOVE a good quest bar after a workout! Banana nut muffin rocks!
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    That is why I switched to a TDEE calculation -10%. Tweaked it a bit and continue to do so to make sure I'm losing weight but not muscle mass.