Favorite30 Minute Workout?

Hey Ladies! I'm looking for some more quick workouts to add to my supply.

I have Tae bo (which I cut short usually), JM30DS, and a gym membership. I'm just looking for things that I can do at home after my boys are in bed.

So - what do you do?


  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    I just found an app called "SWork It." It's free on my iPhone and I think is also available on Droid phones as well. You build your workout. Cardio/strength/yoga, type of workout within those, and length of workout. I haven't tried it yet, but it looks kind of cool. I expect I will be trying it out soon!
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    I have a binder full of workouts I've pulled from magazines over the years and I use them on days when something comes up and I can't get to the gym to do my strength workout. Or, I make up my own circuit off the top of my head, keeping in mind to alternate upper/lower body, front/back (ie. chest/back, biceps/triceps).

    Here's the link to Women's Health Magazine's "quick workouts" section, you should be able to find something appealing in there:

  • laurab1217
    laurab1217 Posts: 123 Member
    I love getting in a 30 minute run, but if I can't I get the most out of insanity workouts after my 4 month old goes to bed. I'm hoping to try out T25 too but for now even doing just half an hour (or more depending on how much time I have) gives me a great workout, especially if it is a video from phase 2 of insanity.
  • marshmallow8978
    marshmallow8978 Posts: 57 Member
    Fitnessblender on YouTube. They have a ton of videos all different lengths. I also like jillian s dvds, her kickboxing one is 20 minutes and a great calorie burn.
  • jayedswizz
    jayedswizz Posts: 3 Member
    I just started using the Nike Training Club app. It's free, and has all kinds of workouts to fit any time frame or specific goal. There are sections with cardio and sections with exercises to target specific regions of your body. The cardio ones are 30-45 minutes. The target ones are 15 minutes.