What struggles do you face



  • skinniwoman
    skinniwoman Posts: 29 Member
    Wow I can so relate. I have to remind myself when I'm working out that I'm going to gain weight. I get so frustrated when I get on the scale or measure myself and I find I'm bigger, but my clothes are getting bigger. I don't get it. I hate cooking. I do like to go to the gym it's just getting motivated to get there. Once I'm there, I'm into it. Working out on the weekends is another problem. I hate walking by myself. When I'm walking my boyfriend's dog, I could be out all day. Trying to think of things I like to do and need to just do it. :tongue:
  • gtdattitude
    gtdattitude Posts: 216 Member
    I can relate to a lot of what has already been said. My biggest struggles are....
    Time - I work and have a family and all the after school activities that go with it. My work days are long and by the time I get home from activities I still have to make or eat dinner (My wonderful man shares the cooking) and make sure all the homework is done, and spend some quality family time..... bbasically I am exhausted by the time I have my daughter tucked in bed. I still manage to squeeze in some type of movement for myself but it's not much.

    Emotional eating - when I am stressed I want sugar.... something about being at work triggers me to crave mountain dew (I think I finally got it under control). My job is stressful but I enjoy it. I am trying to learn healthier ways to deal with stress that doesn't involve donuts and mountain dew.
  • Oh_Allie
    Oh_Allie Posts: 258 Member
    My biggest struggle is working from home. Until a few weeks ago, my best friend had made it a running joke that I couldn't remember the last time I left the house. She was always right. Working from home has made it so I don't have to get up and get moving. I practically live on my laptop. Weeks went by where I didn't even go outside to check the mail (my boyfriend would).

    Because I work from home, time is an issue. I set my own hours which means I work here and there, basically all day long. There is always something work-related that I could be doing and stepping away to workout was an issue. I'm learning how to do that now, but it hasn't been easy.

    My 3-year old and boyfriend are a big part of my struggle. The kiddo likes hot dogs, chicken nuggets, french fries and Chef Boyardee spaghetti & meatballs and little else. My boyfriend is content to live on pizza and sweet snacks. Like someone else mentioned, I'm not even going to pretend that I'm interested in making myself a healthy meal when everyone else in my house is eating pizza. I've been pushing myself for the past 5 days so far to eat right and "splurge" a little in the evenings and I'm hoping to continue like this.