Breastfeeding an older baby

heniko Posts: 796 Member
Hi all,

Before my pregnancy, I started my "lifestyle change" in order to lose weight and regain my health. My plan was stalled when I became pregnant, and as a extremely high risk pregnancy was put on complete bedrest. After having my baby, through breastfeeding I found I was able to lose inches and weight loss quite easily. I've been BFing my daughter for 17 months now, I'm really happy I choose to breastfeed. And would like to continue as long as possible, but since she's been eating whole solids (age 13-14months) I've been seeing a difference in my body and weight. The inches are slowly coming back. So my question is, even though my baby is BFing throughout the day, the feedings are more playful then nourishment ... so I'm wondering if I should log BFing on my food diary or leave it off altogether. And as an older baby, does she need the same macros and calories from breastmilk as before? My daughter isn't a really good eater. She has days when she'll eat a lot, then other days barely anything. One day eat everything, other days picky. I try to offer her a wide range of foods. Thanks!


  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    Your daughter does not 'need' breastmilk if she's eating a good, varied, healthy diet. (All babies are picky!) At this point it is a supplement to her diet and her health. Feel free to carry on as long as you like, but I wouldn't count it as calories burned any more. May be get to the stage where you're not offering milk any more and make her come to you when she wants it. That way it's easier for you to gage when she'll no longer want it. Letting her wean herself off your milk will also help your supply dwindle before you get to the end, otherwise eventually stopping will be really uncomfortable for you.

    As I said, babies are picky eaters and will often play with their food rather than eat it. But this is fine because generally babies do not starve themselves or overeat. You may find initially her weight gain will slow right down, but as long as she's not losing significant weight she's fine. Just keep offering healthy food and she'll eat what she needs to.

    Well done you for breastfeeding and supplying your child with the best start. It is fine now for you to continue your lifestyle change and work on getting your body back. Ease yourself into it and remember it's important for your child to see you leading a healthy lifestyle as she will copy and learn from you.
  • ecoforestry
    ecoforestry Posts: 13 Member
    I count nursing my 2 year old as 200 calories a day. She nurses for short sessions about 2-3 times a day, and longer about 2 times a day. I still have a milk supply that I can notice coming and going with her feedings, and she swallows a lot in the begining of her nursing.... so I think I am making milk. Just not as much as when she was little (like 500+ calories). I will keep nursing her until she is ready to be done, even if there is no milk.

    My oldest was picky eater when she was one. If I hadn't nursed her, she would never have gained weight. Breastfeeding is a wonderful thing. Only you can really know when your nursing relationship is coming to an end. However, keep in mind that the world average age for breastfeeding is 4 years old! (I nursed my older two girls about 3 years each). Our culture tends to view one year olds as little-preschoolers, when really they are in many ways just babies that can walk and talk.

    I think you are doing a great job, and it is possible to diet and nurse (I even do it as a vegetarian, and have lost 45 lbs this year). This website just makes it tricky to add the calories, protein needs, etc. into your log.
  • graycalico
    graycalico Posts: 30 Member
    She still gets tons of nutrition from your milk, that doesn't go away with age. I'm nursing my two year old and 4 month old. Just log it as breast feeding an older baby so less calories are factored in. Kids are more sensitive to tastes and textures so it's really normal for them to be "picky", so all you can do is keep offering them stuff. You're doing awesome it sounds like. I have a hard time losing while breast feeding