Question on Weight during pregnancy...

mommy_hood Posts: 100 Member
So when I got pregnant I did not reset my ticker... I have kept my ticker from when I started MFP so I can see my total progress... I add and subtract as the weight comes on or off.... I have yet to start gaining for the pregnancy and I am still losing ( approved by doctor from being overweight) I am currently 20 weeks 3 days.

So I started in Mid March and got pregnant in May ( LMP - May 3rd, ovulated Mid May) my ticker currently shows 28 pounds lost...

When you ladies talk about weight gain or weight loss what time frame are you starting your number from? Are you starting from LMP or are you starting from ovulation?? or another date?

Someone commented on how they were amazed that I had lost 28 pounds since being pregnant... lol which is not the case and I corrected them saying I have lost 11 pounds since being pregnant and the other 17 was lost in the short amount of time before pregnant.... but that does not sound right that I lost 17 pounds in two months( or less considering they considered my first two weeks of May as part of my pregnancy)??

I have always been confused by this seeing as how in May I dropped quite a bit of weight looking back on my reports and not sure what to count as pregnancy loss and what to count as regular loss.... I originally guessed my ovulation weight as 225 since I was not sure what number to count as beginning weight... but here are my numbers of weight since starting in Mid-March .... should I be using a different number for my pregnancy gain/loss ... I don't want to deceive anyone especially myself....

March 17th-242
March 23rd-233 ( I am assuming that this drastic weight change is from lost water weight from starting a new lifestyle )
March 30th-235
April 7th- 232
April 16th- 231
April 23rd- 230.6
April 26th- 230.2
May 1st - 230.2
May 3rd - 228.4
May 7th - 227.2
May 25th - 225
I got my BFP on May 31st
June 3rd - 224.4
June 5th - 222.6
July 11th- 218.6
Aug 14th- 216.0
Sept 21st- 214.0

I know I am prolly overthinking this but please just give the best answer you can... if I am doing better pregnant than non pregnant or the same or worse, I want to know and not lie to anyone... thanks


  • dandelyon
    dandelyon Posts: 620 Member
    I would do conception and since you don't list what your weight was on May 17th (which would have been right around that time, maybe a little later if you're the type to test early!) then I'd go with May 25th and use the weight of 225 lbs.

    Either way, you've lost 28lbs, way to go :)

    And 17lbs in 2 mos is not that weird when you're jumping into weight loss, because the first month is usually a big loss and then it slows down after that. 17lbs EVERY two months would be another story.
  • dandelyon
    dandelyon Posts: 620 Member
    I want to add that a lot of us are going to have a negative number on our tickers - it just depends on how much we lost on MFP prior to getting pregnant (and how much we HAD to lose) and how much we gain back. I'm hoping to still show "lbs lost" on delivery day - I am really hoping I don't gain 40 pounds over the next 22 weeks!
  • AsellusReborn
    AsellusReborn Posts: 1,112 Member
    I count my weight gain from the day I found out I was pregnant. My ticker goes back to when I started MFP so includes the 22lbs I gained back.
  • michelleepotter
    michelleepotter Posts: 800 Member
    I didn't reset my ticker when I got pregnant. Not sure why I would do that -- this is just a detour in the road on my weight loss journey. (Haha, that sounded ridiculously cliche, but you know what I mean.)

    Since I wasn't really keeping track of my weight when I got pregnant, I have been basing my pregnancy weight gain on the first time I weighed myself after I found out that I was pregnant. That's ten pounds more than I weighed the last time I weighed myself before pregnancy, but I have reasons to think that I gained that weight before pregnancy. (I went more than a month without weighing or logging, or even thinking about eating well. So yeah, probably gained ten pounds. Around the time I got pregnant I started eating better again, and didn't gain anything for several weeks.)

    For you, since you probably conceived around May 20th-ish (right?), I would go from the May 25th weigh-in. Although, you're only talking about a pound or so here or there, which isn't going to matter that much in seeing any kind of significant difference in your weight loss before and during pregnancy.
  • I also didn't restart my ticker when I found out. I don't think you are lying to yourself if you use one method or another, it is what it is. It may be that you are doing better with weight loss now because you are pregnant; that is assuming you are eating well or better than before, drinking more water, generally doing what is good for you & baby. In any event, the doctor is happy with your progress, so congrats and keep up the good work!! :)