Anybody doing Kettlebells?

Cool! So now that I feel pretty chilled and inspired to continue lifting heavy stuff throughout my pregnancy, something I really love, I move on to my next question.
Are anybody here doing kettlebells while pregnant? What are your experiences?
I really want to try it, but I know it challenges the body in very different ways that regular weight lifting. From what I read, it sound like you can really mess your body up if you do it wrong.
I haven't found a kettlebell class for pregnant people in my neighborhood. Ive ordered some books and dvd's from the library, but they don't have the pregnancy ones, so I would have to buy them.

Has anybody tried the babybells video?
What weight kettlebell do you use while pregnant? (I watched a video pre-pregnant and figured out I should use 24lbs, but that seems a little scary now.)
Thank you!