Agents of S.H.E.I.D.



  • mruntidy
    mruntidy Posts: 1,015 Member
    Totally agree, I think it's a really good series worth sticking with, it started off a bit meh for me but after about three episodes in we were gripped and have caught up with the States too - the only thing we noticed was that Coulson was dramatically differnt in comparison to Avengers as in you could tell there were different writers but I think it was a change for the better. I think the cast are working together well too :)
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Ok so last night's episode almost made up for having to wait an extra week to see Avengers. I squeeled. So awesome.
  • T_Roc
    T_Roc Posts: 65 Member
    Exactly, I was geeking out so much last night. When Coulson said "spoilers" I was rolling. Just think about the next few episode.
  • stiobhard
    stiobhard Posts: 140 Member
    Did I hear right....? did they say the Inhumans? that would be awesome....
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    This makes me wonder about other parts of the country that already have released Avengers: AoU. Do they also air Agents of SHIELD or is it just here in "Murica? How does the timeline all play out?
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    lacroyx wrote: »
    This makes me wonder about other parts of the country that already have released Avengers: AoU. Do they also air Agents of SHIELD or is it just here in "Murica? How does the timeline all play out?

    It only works for the US really.