Daily Chit-chat



  • jbuc07
    jbuc07 Posts: 914 Member
    Funny I thought jbuc sounded kinda snarky myself. Anyways u shouldn't have any issues with wearing more clothing in Minnesota this time of year coming up!!

    Jk jbuc. Settle down!

    Man, I should pay more attention.. LOL!
  • jbuc07
    jbuc07 Posts: 914 Member
    So, I have to say, I haven't worked out since Monday. It has been absolutely ridiculous in my house. STILL doing laundry.. LOL. Sometimes life goes that way, and the family comes first. But, now that the crisis has been diverted, I think it's safe to work out again. :) I've been good on calories (even if they've been some very not healthy calories... PB whoppers anyone??? ) I haven't gone over my calories, in like a week. The day or 2 I did, I had the exercise to balance. So, here's to getting back into it. Ready for the shred today, and those 80 squats and twists!!! :) Oh, speaking of exercise, even though I wasn't doing my shred.... I ran up and down the stairs probably a 100 times. Ok, so maybe it wasn't that many...But by the end of these past couple days, I was exhausted.
  • crash_aly
    crash_aly Posts: 112
    The weather has been gorgeous here so I ignored what's left of my cold/chest congestion and went for a nice jog outside last night! I haven't been able to jog much in the last year due to injury so it felt great! Got home and did the 8 min ab video and my 80 torso twists.

    I have been using the bathroom on a different floor in the building so I use the stairs more and just get away from my desk. I have a lot of errands to run on my lunch break today but I think I will try to squeeze a walk in, otherwise after work again!

    I've been obsessing about the scale a little and weighing myself every morning :( Not good. I think I might need to leave it in another room or put it under the bathroom sink to keep it out of sight and only take it out for weigh in days.

    Good job getting back into it Jbuc! Life can get hectic and make it very difficult but at least you managed to stay under your calories and it sounds like even without "intentional exercise" you are keeping active!
  • skill133
    skill133 Posts: 161
    Crash-- loving this weather!! Good job on your jog and working them stairs! Impressive! Hide the scale though. At most u should weigh twice a week but once a week is sufficient or else you will go crazy with the fluctuatuions
  • crash_aly
    crash_aly Posts: 112
    Hiding the scale before I go to bed tonight! Hoping to get up early and go for a short jog before work in the morning since I don't think I will have time to workout otherwise tomorrow and I plan to go out to eat with my sister (we all know how easily it is to pack on calories at a restaurant I'm sure!).

    I am excited for Saturday morning though! We are doing a session together with my personal trainer. I haven't worked out with my sister in 7 years...the last time I took her to the gym with me (before she moved out of state) she gave me a funny look and told me I was disgusting for how sweaty I was getting while running on the treadmill. Now she works out regularly as well, but still hates to sweat. This could be quite entertaining, especially since we are both ex soccer players, competitive horseback riders, extremely competitive, and it will be a leg day! :) The poor trainer won't know what hit him!
  • skill133
    skill133 Posts: 161
    So did you get up this morning Crash and run? Better yet...did you HIDE the scale?!?!?!!?!

    Wow, that poor trainer...having to train 2 competitive sisters on legs...how will he do it? LOL

    Tigers won last night and moving on to play Boston in ALCS!! I was up most the night and partaked in a few Captain Morgan and Diet Pepsi's I must say. I at least didn't eat snacks all night. Had my dinner at 7 pm and that was it for food intake the rest of the night. nonetheless feeling a bit bloated this morning and ucky! ugh!

    Homecoming tonight for our HS, so that should be a fun night. Baseball and soccer games tomorrow for the kids. Then bowling and football on Sunday!
  • jbuc07
    jbuc07 Posts: 914 Member
    So did you get up this morning Crash and run? Better yet...did you HIDE the scale?!?!?!!?!

    Wow, that poor trainer...having to train 2 competitive sisters on legs...how will he do it? LOL

    Tigers won last night and moving on to play Boston in ALCS!! I was up most the night and partaked in a few Captain Morgan and Diet Pepsi's I must say. I at least didn't eat snacks all night. Had my dinner at 7 pm and that was it for food intake the rest of the night. nonetheless feeling a bit bloated this morning and ucky! ugh!

    Homecoming tonight for our HS, so that should be a fun night. Baseball and soccer games tomorrow for the kids. Then bowling and football on Sunday!

    Sounds like you will have a busy weekend!!! I thought the crisis was over in my house. Uhm. No. In anycase. I haven't had time to work out, and by the end of the night I'm exhausted. Today, I made these amazing tacquitos/burritos/ IDK what they are LOL. But they were good. Then I realized I'm at 1250 calories... aaaaaaand it's only lunch time. And. I need sleep. LOL

    Hope ya'll have a wonderful weekend!
  • crash_aly
    crash_aly Posts: 112
    I did manage to get up and workout. It felt great!! I did not hide the scale yet, but will after my assessment tomorrow. I wasn't home really this weekend so it wasn't an issue :)

    I love that I am starting to enjoy my morning workouts and I am swearing less when my alarm goes off at 5:45am.
  • jbuc07
    jbuc07 Posts: 914 Member
    Well, after a full week of no exercise, I'm back at. Just completed a 20 min HIIT routine on the befit channel on youtube. Wow... my arms are kinda jiggly. The whole time I was thinking, ya, this isn't gonna do much... but wow. Feels good to finally get something done.
  • crash_aly
    crash_aly Posts: 112
    I cannot seem to want to get out of bed this week. My alarm goes off and I'm hitting snooze several times.
    I have no idea what happend to last week's motivation but it needs to come back!!