What Makes Certain People Send Friend Requests ??

mheebner Posts: 285 Member
Random musings...

I'm posting here because I don't want to offend/ piss off anyone on my friend list or anything like that. The other day out of the blue I get a friend request from this particular woman. Now there is nothing wrong with that certainly but this woman who sent me this request is like....simply AMAZING looking. I mean like blonde, hot bodied goddess hot looking. She is very, very pretty and she has this totally amazing body (that she shows off in a few pic's in her profile).
I'm not complaining about the request but I am wondering why she would send it to me. We do have a friend in common if I remember correctly, but most of the peeps in her list are like these fitness model guys/girls, etc. My second thought is she collects friends but she does not have a huge amount so that I don't think is the issue.

I'm not exactly a Fitness Monthly model, and my eating/workout habits reflect that . I'm just curious why a hardbody (you grew up in the 80's if you have ever used that word to describe a woman) would want me to be on her news feed, etc.



  • cbeutler
    cbeutler Posts: 667 Member
    Why are you friends with people IRL? I'm sure a different reason for each of them. Take it as a compliment she found you funny or supportive or was inspired by your story. We all do better with support.
  • mheebner
    mheebner Posts: 285 Member
    I'm not complaining, and she seems very supportive and comments often on things. I guess I was just kinda surprised to receive a request from her.
  • cbeutler
    cbeutler Posts: 667 Member
    Sounds like a great surprise.