Dedicated Ab Work

Is dedicated ab work needed for a good strength training regimen?

I currently do weighted decline sit-ups as part of my workout. Are they needed? I'd rather not waste time on them if they are not.

My current workout consists of, but is not limited to;
Squat 3 times a week
Deadlift 1 time a week
Bench 2 times a week
Weighted Pull-ups 1 time a week
OHP 1 time a week
Weighted Dips 1 time a week


  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    Squats and deadlifts activate the abs. But I've found it is valuable to work in some direct training. I focus primarily on doing planks, twisting motions and lower ab work to complement activation I get doing squats and deadlifts.