October goals

lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
it's all yours, ladies!


  • arabianhorselover
    arabianhorselover Posts: 1,488 Member
    I guess my goals for October will be to really get started on this program. I have been trying some of the exercises - a little concerned about hurting my back - so trying to get the form right.

    I have been using quite a few of the machines and getting stronger on those, so kind of scared to give them up. Probably wouldn't give up all of them.

    I also want to be sure and log in here and keep track of my food every day. I've been doing really well with that so far - can't be slacking off now.

    Want to continue with my walking. Really need to burn those calories and keep my heart in shape.

    Want to see the wight going down and down, but not too fast.
  • cbart2818
    cbart2818 Posts: 188 Member
    Sadly, my goal will be to see the doctor tonight and hope there isn't anything seriously wrong with my left knee.

    I woke up Saturday morning to do a Stronglift workout. Started my warmups and noticed when I bent it, there were two buldges. Over the weekend it has gotten even more stiff and little shoots of pain every so often. LeSigh.

    That knee has always been rather crunchy and loose feeling, but my doctor told me unless there is pain or discomfort, there was nothing be concerned about. If I think back, the last 6 months it has been feeling more stiff after workouts. Even walking the dog it would feel stiff. I never thought of fluid building up I just thought I needed to get more active and help build the muscles in that area. Thats where weight lifting came in the picture.

    I don't know what I did. I don't over do my workouts, I have never had an "oh crap I hurt something.. moment". I do run somethings but never more than 3-5km, and not everday or on lifting days.

    Going to keep up with the upper body workouts from stronglifts, but extremely sad... I LOVE SQUATS!!
  • debress
    debress Posts: 36 Member
    Today was my first day of 5x5, so my goals for October are pretty basic:

    Lift 3 times per week, focus on proper form, increase weight when I can without sacrificing proper form, challenge myself and continue to eat right.
  • YoBecca
    YoBecca Posts: 167
    My lifting goals are taking a backseat to running this month, as my half marathon is looming (Nov. 9) and my distances are getting to a point where lifting 3 times/week is too much to recover from. So, as far as lifting goes:

    - Lifting (SL) 2ce a week
    - Kbls (heavy) 1ce a week
    - Make progress on weights, but not at the expense of form
    - Get back on track with my pull-up plan

    As far as non-lifting:
    - Try not to derail the diet in the face of FALL BEER, the best of all beers, plus there being some sort of special event every weekend this month (weddings, parties, fair, etc.)
    - Hit my training runs hard - I WILL PR THIS HALF y'all. It's gonna happen.
    - Hit my bootcamp workouts hard.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Do that cardio I keep talking about on off days.
    Get sexy for Halloween and my birthday. :D
  • 6550mom
    6550mom Posts: 206 Member
    First, I will NOT get derailed or sabotage myself when I start to see results or change- not ever again. I used to have a really nice body and was fit and I liked how it felt and looked- why am I afraid to go back there?? I have some ideas, and still working through it.

    And to that end, I will...

    * Continue lifting, but may switch to 3X5 to keep from burning out at high weights (if anyone has a reason why this would be detrimental or not continue to provide benefits for me, please let me know- I'm kinda making it up as I go along)

    * Continue cardio 2-3X per week- doing walk/jog intervals seems to not be TOO painful for me and only takes 30 minutes which is nice.

    * Watch my food (1450 cals/day gross based roughly on TDEE minus a deficit), get some protein and focus on hydration as I am chronically dehydrated due to lack of a large intestine (surgically removed 3 years ago).

    * Hopefully have some visible or measurable results by the end of the month to keep me motivated. I'd like to be back to where others can notice a change, but trying to be patient.
  • kitkat4141
    kitkat4141 Posts: 379 Member
    I hope to make better progress on the OHP and Bench Press this month now that I have fractional washers for the Oly bar.

    I am committed to doing Stronglifts 2x per week. I will also do one additional day of heavy lifting that will vary from week to week.

    I have cut back on spinning/cycling and added 2 yoga classes per week. Did my first class yesterday and boy did I need it.
  • Madhouseof5
    Madhouseof5 Posts: 34 Member
    I'm still fairly new to SL so my goals are also pretty simple:

    Aim to lift 3x a week

    Continue with the cardio I was already doing.

    Try and get my biscuit obsession under control!

    Try and get an actual home gym set up in the garage (funds depending)
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    I am just starting back with stronglifts after having a baby in July so my goals are:

    Do SL 3x per week no excuses (joining gym today)

    Keep diet where it needs to be

    Still need to lose 25 lbs of baby weight

    I am so glad to finally get back to lifting again. I was supposed to run a marathon in November but due to unforeseen circumstances (i.e new baby who doesn't want me to sleep) I haven't been able to train so marathon is getting pushed off to 2014 and I hope to start some more running at least 2 days per week!

    Great to be back here!
  • SemperAnticus1643
    SemperAnticus1643 Posts: 703 Member
    My October goals are to start lifting on a regular basis. Hoping to get my husband on the 5x5 train too. He's wanting to get bigger. Start eating better as a family.

    Get on a lifting schedule and stick with it
    Eat better
    Knock out my 50 mile challenge
    Lose BF (going to the local gym for a BF test on the 31st)
    Look great as Daphne from the Scooby Doo gang for our family Halloween costumes
  • YoBecca
    YoBecca Posts: 167
    Good point on the Halloween costumes - mine is a viking (whole family plan!), and there's a corset/miniskirt/boots situation.
  • zanyzana
    zanyzana Posts: 248 Member
    Now that I have my home gym set up, my goals are:
    SL 3 times a week
    Get rid of this lard I've attached to my body over the last few stressful weeks of uni and no lifting (I still ate the same though. Dummy!)

    That'll do. :)
  • ssaraj43
    ssaraj43 Posts: 575 Member
    I just finished my second week. Loving it so far. October goals......

    1) Figure out how to post a form check video

    2) Score better equipment on craigslist

    3) No injuries

    4) Don't buy any Halloween candy when it goes on sale

    ETA- Number 4 would be November goal,but it's already on my mind :-)
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    Don't have much by way of goals this month. My migraines and chronic Fatigue are bad in the autumn. My goal is to to some lifting 2 times a week at least. (With walk/bike 1-2 times a week)