Bfing older baby

heniko Posts: 796 Member
Hey all, I'm Bfing my older baby, toddler I gues you could call her now ... I noticed that there are options for -200cal, -250cal and one option for -200 but it also says -50carbs. Does Bfing take away from your carbs too? Which is best to use? I BFing my 17m frequently for small amounts of time. Longer if she's sick, as she won't eat solids when she has a cold.


  • DarthPato
    As far as I know it does remove carbs and other nutrients. I nursed my toddler as well. She self weaned when I was 5m pregnant with my son. I stopped logging nursing with her when she turned one because she only nursed in the morning, before bed, and once during the night.

    I'm still nursing my son (almost 12m) and plan on letting him self wean as well. I still log the bf as older child -200 because he still nurses a lot. Once he backs down to just a few times I think I will stop logging it. Unless it causes my supply to tank.