Set backs suck!

Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
I have a torn Meniscus in my left knee, gotta get an MRI on the shoulder. Doc says no more squats, running, or lunges after the scope is done. I'm like never again. He says you can but you'll be back to see me again. He says leg press, leg ext and leg curls are okay. Elliptical and rowing for cardio. He did say I could compete but just didn't want me doing those exercises anymore. He said 3 or 4 times a year at a competition was okay to do thrusters, squat cleans and regular stuff.

Shoulder got injured doing heavy benching and pops and hurts pretty bad. So what am I getting at....oh nothing, just venting my frustrations. I felt like smacking the doc upside the head when he said " You are getting older, maybe you should cut back."


  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    I hear you - it's very frustrating and why I had to hang up the nano's for a little. Sore muscles are one thing, sore joints and strings - not so good. I'll be joining the o-lift club, so at least I get some lifts in once a week, but the crazy WOD's are tearing my joints apart and there's just so much modifying you can do!!
    I'm joining my husbands gym for all the other lifting and workouts... :indifferent:
  • PaleoChocolateBear
    PaleoChocolateBear Posts: 2,844 Member
    That sucks, I don't know what I'd do without wods and other exercises
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    Sorry. That sucks -- said as one who is getting older too! I've had to give up one of the things I really love.
    You can do a leg press, but not a squat? That seems a bit screwy to me. I tore my ACL and researched quite a bit, and, what I found, in general, was that evidence showed doing squats was less stressful on the knee. Now, I was researching the ACL, not the meniscus. But, still . . . . Maybe you should research that.
    You gonna have surgery?
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    Doc said 20 min scope and I'd be outta there. I kind of thought that was weird saying I could do leg presses but not squats.
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    Too bad. But, the surgery should help your pain and any 'catching' in the knee you may have.
    Still, I think it is funny about the leg press. Perhaps he thinks that your knee does not bend as far when you do a leg press? Cuz, I know the compressive forces, when you do a squat, are greater if you go *kitten*-to-grass than if you just go to parallel.
    I also know that the compressive forces are much less when you do front squats instead of back squats. (Not sure why.)
    But, then again, always better to be cautious and follow the medical advice you get. Who wants to limp and have pain when they get old. We all get to a point where we cannot do what we once could and we need to modify.
    Hang in there.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    I have an ACL repair and probably half the original cartiledge in that knee than I started with. Have never had any issues with it while lifting. Before CF I was doing Stronglifts so I was constantly adding weight. I always try to make sure my form was good too and backed off weight a few times because I felt it going (too far forward on squats, rounding my back on DLs)

    Good luck with the repairs. It's amazing how fast your knee recovers from the scope. I was back to lifting 6 weeks after mine (though very lightly)
  • 1PatientBear
    1PatientBear Posts: 2,089 Member
    I'm with you there OP. I've been off the road for six weeks and am DYING to run again and, to keep the hits coming, I tweaked my back at Crossfit last week going for a new 1RM on front squat. So, now I can't do my WOD for another few days at least. I'm going stir crazy!!!
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    I have an ACL repair and probably half the original cartiledge in that knee than I started with. Have never had any issues with it while lifting. Before CF I was doing Stronglifts so I was constantly adding weight. I always try to make sure my form was good too and backed off weight a few times because I felt it going (too far forward on squats, rounding my back on DLs)

    Good luck with the repairs. It's amazing how fast your knee recovers from the scope. I was back to lifting 6 weeks after mine (though very lightly)

    While it is true that one can lift with a surgically repaired knee, I believe the issue here is the meniscus, which gets thinner and less strong and spongy as you age (I believe). Especially if you have a tear that just gets trimmed, there may be a risk that you worsen that tear if you lift heavy?
    Even when we concentrate on our form not all reps are good.