Healthy Smoothies - WITHOUT bananas!!!!

Why is it whenever I find a recipie for a nice smoothie, it has flaming bananas in it! I hate them, just the smell of a banana makes me heave. The thought of actually mashing one up.....:sick:

Is there anything I can use instead of a banana in the same recipe?

Weird - but I LOVE banana milkshake, banana sweets, banana ice cream.......


  • csman49
    csman49 Posts: 1,100 Member
    yeah seriously, WTF is wrong with you???


    Put anything you like in there instead!
    my blender gets the following thrown at it:

    frozen strawberries (because i buy them fresh and yet within a few days, they start going bad... so now i just lop the tops off and throw them into freeze)
    porridge oats
    choc protein powder
    banana (replace with whatever you prefer)

    whirrrrr whirrrrrr zooommmmmmmm zooommmmmmmm!!!

  • lucytibs
    lucytibs Posts: 2 Member
    Ripe Mango works well but high in cals
  • Emmiejayne90
    OHH i am 100% the opposite! I cant stand banana flavoured things!! but i dont actually mind the real deal haha!