Hey, Johnny Appleseed give me that apple! 10/3

garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member

I looooooooove apples I mean I really do! When fall comes at the Farmer's Market I go nuts! All the different apple varieties! YUMMO! I really have to make myself behave because I can easily eat two in a day and apples depending on size can be 80-130 calories! CONTROL!!!
So, enjoy...eat with some cinnamon on top!

PS. You know I always wanted to go to a party when I was a kid and bob for apples you know like Lucy did in the Peanut Gang? Snoopy did it with her and she screamed 'dog germs'...sigh but no one ever had them at their party! Sigh!


  • verdemujer
    verdemujer Posts: 1,397 Member
    Umm - I have bobbed for apples and it wasn't very much fun. But I hate water up my nose and you aren't allowed to hold your nose while trying to bite the apple. And wet - I was soaked afterwards. Not the best memory. And Carmel apples - I had one and lost a tooth. Another time I had one and the middle was rotten. I don't buy them now. Better to have a fresh apple with carmel sauce if I just have to have that flavor combo.

    To add to your article:


    I do know that delicious apples are weird - they don't digest right. I think they've been overly modified for the stores over the years. I never buy them because they are anything but delicious.

    My favorite cooked apple dish is sliced apples with sliced sweet potatos, a bit of butter, a bit of cinnamon and nutmeg, baked at 400 for about 30 minutes. I will add in pecans at the last 15 minutes. Yummy!
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    I eated a apple today. I think it was a honey crisp.

    Yes, I bobbed for apples once.

    When I was a kid in a small town of maybe 200 people there was an old lady who would make popcorn balls and candy apples from scratch every year. Everybody knew her and knew everything was safe. She always had a line at her door. Adding to the line, she kept a log book of everyone who ever trick or treated at her house and what they picked: candy apple, or popcorn ball.
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member

    When I was a kid in a small town of maybe 200 people there was an old lady who would make popcorn balls and candy apples from scratch every year. Everybody knew her and knew everything was safe. She always had a line at her door. Adding to the line, she kept a log book of everyone who ever trick or treated at her house and what they picked: candy apple, or popcorn ball.

    OMG!!!!!! I grew up in OHIO and yes when we went trick or treating we used to get the popcorn balls, candied apples and sometimes brownies! It was all legit of course my neighborhood we all knew each other and no one was vindictive! So sad because those were the best treats!