Foods (to eat and avoid)



  • bjmolinar
    I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's about 2 years ago. I have a goiter. My lab work always came back within normal limits so they would not put me on any medication. I finally got a doctor to listen and they re-did the lab work and yep, I am officially Hashimoto's with hypothyroidism. She put me on .025 mcg of Synthroid. I am doing low carb since January and walking, but no weight has come off. I am hoping now with the Synthroid things can get regulated. On low carb, I have been eating alot of broccoli and cabbage, spinach, etc. Apparently this might be the problem I am not losing? I am going to try to go more Paleo I guess. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's about 2 years ago. I have a goiter. My lab work always came back within normal limits so they would not put me on any medication. I finally got a doctor to listen and they re-did the lab work and yep, I am officially Hashimoto's with hypothyroidism. She put me on .025 mcg of Synthroid. I am doing low carb since January and walking, but no weight has come off. I am hoping now with the Synthroid things can get regulated. On low carb, I have been eating alot of broccoli and cabbage, spinach, etc. Apparently this might be the problem I am not losing? I am going to try to go more Paleo I guess. Any help would be greatly appreciated!


    yay for finding a doc to listen! :)

    You will find conflicting info on what to eat and not to eat for hashi folks. For example - broccoli should technically be a no-no since it is considered a goitrogen food (can irritate the thyroid), but it doesn't bother me. perhaps since my thyroid is so eaten away it doesn't matter anymore lol! It's literally so shrivelled from advanced Hashi's that it isn't swollen anymore.

    You can try playing around with how many calories you are eating a day. I know if I have too much dairy I will stop losing weight and bloat up a ton. I think Dairy irritates my insides more than gluten to be honest (I have Dx'd severe intolerance to both...but I still have a hard time giving them up 100%).

    Also, I'd suggest making sure you get adequate magnesium to help with your T4-T3 conversion and thyroid support in general. You can take it orally, or use a topical version of magnesium oil (which is what I'm doing since by mouth upsets my insides). Could help with your energy levels and sleep as a bonus!
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Per my endocrinologist, I don't avoid any foods. Nor do I eat anything special.

    Everybody's different, so it will take trial & error to find what works for you.
  • Liss_79
    Liss_79 Posts: 6 Member
    I've had a useless endo. It's my naturopath that finally started teaching me. I'm mostly GF and have lost 14 lbs since end of April. It's not down every day but it's slowly going.

    I'm looking for a new endo to discuss natural thyroid.