Suggestions for High Protein/Low Sodium Snacks

stephysd Posts: 2,410 Member
I am finally starting to get my appetite back as I am nearing the end of the first trimester. On a almost daily basis I am way over on carbs and sodium, but my protein is very low. Only about 1/2 to 2/3 of what it is recommended. For my snacks between meals I have been doing either apples, bananas or celery with peanutbutter, as it is helping me get my fruits and veggies in but have a little bit of protein with it.

I would love to change things up a bit and hopefully get my sodium down and my protein up where they should be. Any suggestions?


  • jenluvsushi
    jenluvsushi Posts: 933 Member
    Yes! Google the "Brewer's Diet". Lots of great protein suggestions there. Processed food is where the sodium issues arise although there is always some in meat/egg/dairy products. Try whole foods like eggs, fish, meat, nuts and dairy. Some lentils have quite a bit as well as quinoa. String cheese and Fage Greek yogurt is great for protein as well as milk if you tolerate it well (I do). I have developed a meat aversion in this pregnancy so it gave me lots of ideas on creative sources for protein. Peanuts and hemp seed have a ton...who knew? I have no problem getting to 140 grams a day at close to 2000 mgs sodium so it can be done. I also only have meat maybe once a day. As far as supplements, I usually have one protein drink a day. I have an all-natural whey powder from MRM that is pretty good. I got it on as it was recommended by IFBB pro Jamie Eason. Nothing weird in it and it is sweetened with stevia. I use it in my am smoothie every day mixed with spinach, banana, PB and 1/2 a cup of milk.
  • lisapr123
    lisapr123 Posts: 863 Member
    I was recently diagnosed with gestational diabetes (which, in my case has been very easy to control with food) and the snacks of choice have been: greek yogurt, hard boiled eggs, milk, and PB & crackers or celery. I actually don't track sodium so I can't say where they rank in that regard, but I've found them to be very satisfying and I normally hit 120+ grams of protein a day by paring those with a big turkey sandwich for lunch and some sort of meat for dinner.