October 2013

preshusgem Posts: 204 Member
Hello dear friends.

Glad to see you all active on my newsfeed. This past week was a very lazy one. I think I'm becoming consistent now. 1 week, I'm all hardcore 6 days/week then I suffer through DOMS for a few days, then laziness (or busyness and lack of time management), however you want to look at it, kicks in. So, it has been one full week since I worked out. I was supposed to do week 6 of Turbo. Well, I ordered Shaun T's Dance Challenge Pack that came with a month's supply of Shakeology. I got Chocolate Shake-o. Has any of you ever tried ShakeO before? I normally use a different protein whey powder, so this is all new to me. The DVD's I got were Shaun T's Rockin Body & Hip Hop Abs. I didn't realize that both programs are only 4 weeks each. I think I'm going to start out with Rockin Body first then do HHA next month. I figured I'll really change it up instead of doing just Turbo Fire with the occasional P90X and elliptical. I just hope I can stick with it. I mean, it's only 4 weeks, right? So easy to say, right?

My goals this week is to log my food, do 1st week of Rockin' Body and have at least 5 cups of water in me by lunchtime.

Keep trudging along! You're all doing great!


  • preshusgem
    preshusgem Posts: 204 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    I stepped on the scale and the number went back up to what it was when I first started on MFP last November. This is what a week of no exercise and very unhealthy eating did to me. It motivated me to move my body this morning.

    So, I did Shaun T's Rockin' Body: Mark Move & Groove, it's a 15 minute intro workout showing what his basic moves are before you get into the other discs. Well, I thought it was meh. I didn't even break a sweat and my HRM barely moved and that's the only workout scheduled for the day so I did Fire 55EZ and I couldn't stop jumping around. I had so much energy and by the time Chalene got to her fave finale part, I was like "That's it?". Anyway, I got a good sweat fest this morning.

    I also tried Shakeology for the 1st time. I need to play around with the consistency because I prepared it like I usually do with my regular protein shake and it was so thick. I felt like I needed a spoon to "eat" my chocolate shake-o.

    Anyway, hope you're all pressing play! Happy Monday!
  • preshusgem
    preshusgem Posts: 204 Member
    Day 2 of Rockin Body and I'm bored. I did Party Express, it was a 30 minute warm up for me and I continued on to Fire 30 & Sculpt 30. IDK about this Rockin Body, it's very basic and low impact OR I'm a turbo machine, IDK?

    Lucy, is HHA more upbeat? I'll give this RB a week and just try HHA next week. I will say that the only thing I liked in Party Express was "Jazzy", it was like a 3 minute fire drill, then we cooled down and it was over. "Jazzy" came towards the end of the disc.

    I wonder if any of you are checking in to this message board. I hope it's not like I'm writing to myself. I miss hearing from you all!
  • Vini9
    Vini9 Posts: 343 Member
    Hi ladies,
    Ha ha Stel I'm here your not writing for yourself, but I do wonder why it's not telling me on my wall about your posting? I just happened to look at my groups and was so happy to see how you are doing.
    I did a lot of research before I bought TF and found most people liked HHA/RB but TF was way better in fun and intensity. So that is what I chose. I still read many people on my wall saying TF is their favorite go to workout. I think it is great to have verity and changing it up is important. Speaking of this, I am almost done with body beast. In fact Tomro is my last workout. I will take pics i think just to see where i am, if there are changes that the camera can see. We are leaving for salmon fishing trip in the middle of nowhere NY, and returning on Monday. When we get back I am so excited because..........drum roll.......JK but I am excited to do a body beast/TF hybrid. I found 3 online and will do a mix of both and my own thing. They didn't include advanced workouts and I really liked those so that is why the some of my own thing. ;)

    I also heard most people don't like shake-o. I have never tried it. Some add other things to it to help with taste. As far as it being thick I add some water to thin it out. It will keep calories down and help with getting more water. In general eating/drinking more protein will make you thirsty at first till your body adjusts. Same goes for weight lifting or changing your programs, your body gets sore and needs the water to repair it. Keep us posted on how shake-o works for you.

    My scale has been frustrating me and I wanted to give up. I really had to have a talk with myself about why I'm doing this. My body IS changing I can see it. More muscles yay. As in my biceps are coming out and my thighs are starting to tone up. I haven't really lost inches or weight but the changes are there. Well as far as i can see but looking at myself vs a pic will make a big difference. I haven't gone larger either. I would have to say though the scale was staying the same then stared to go up when I got TOM and now that I'm ovulating its up :( I hold on to a hope that I'm doing something right and will keep pushing. It has to come down or I have to lose inches..........I hope!
    Well that is my update and thoughts. I think we are doing great! Better then when we started. :) keep pushing play ladies.
  • Vini9
    Vini9 Posts: 343 Member
    Hey ladies,
    I found this and thought it a really great read. Check it out and let me know your Thoughts. Happy reading :)

    . http://www.builtlean.com/2013/04/01/fat-burning-zone-myth/
  • preshusgem
    preshusgem Posts: 204 Member
    Hello ladies,

    I haven't been logging in my diaries. My exercises are sporadic. I've been redoing week 6 of TF and now starting Week 2 of Hip Hop Abs. I gave up on Rockin Body cuz it was just too easy and simple for me. My body is now used to Shakeology. No more headaches. Hope all is well with you guys! Take care and keep pressing play.