new to group

Hi, I'm joining this group with hopes of learning how to lose some pounds without putting in the 45 minutes of walking that I use to do. Recently had hallux rigidus surgery to left foot - will have to have the right foot done after I recover. I didn't do the 'major' surgery, no fusion or shortening of bone, just removed the spurs. So the recovery period has been pain-free, except for some daily swelling.

I'm hoping to start stationary rowing and/or biking (with dr's approval). But I gained about 15 -20 lbs and lost most of my muscle tone (I didn't do very much of anything for the last few months because of pain, then was off my feet for over a week, then on crutches for 1 week).

Starting on MFP today with food and exercise journals (have been mfp member 'forever').


  • auntmims
    Is there anyone out there with foot problems? Had surgery on my big toe for bunions months ago but am still suffering from pain and inability to wear most shoes.
  • amethyst7986
    amethyst7986 Posts: 223 Member
    Hey there! I am in need of the bunionectomy, however, due to the rise in insurance costs I have had to place it on hold until January 2015. That sucks because after many years of hating running, I was actually starting to enjoy it! I have had this issue for well over 2 years, it wasn't diagnosed as bunions at first, just tendonitis. At first I solved my problems with Celebrex and ice, however that only gave me temporary relief. But after the pain started traveling up my legs, making my hips hurt and I began walking funny I went to a podiatrist.....he gave me the news Surgery is needed! So until then no more heels or cute shoes, no more running and my love of flip flops may soon run out, now my toe is definitely "taking a turn" for the worse....literally, its getting worse!