M-T-W-Th-F...whew! 10/7

garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
Hey, do you have a routine or do you just wing with working out? Do you do more cardio or strength training? Oops did you forget about strength training? Well, no fear here is a good routine....well I should say schedule but you can fill it with any exercise you want.

For example, with bicep day you can use dumb-bells, bands, machines, bar-bells or water bottles for that matter!
You can do hammer curls or concentration curls. the list goes on and on.


YOU can add a brief cardio or go to your favorite class or machine and go for 30-45 minutes extra.

Be Strong people!



  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    I have a set lifting routine of Mon, Wed, Fri with some cardio on off days if I choose. Unfortunately, I'm screwed because of the government "go to work, no vacation, no workouts, no pay" plan that's going on right now. (I literally do not have time. I'm getting maybe 5 hours of sleep a night except weekends.) I guess I'll just call it a lifting break?
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    I pretty much have a set routine too, because I take the group fitness classes and train with Super Trainer. She changes things up in our sessions so there is some variety there and the instructors for the classes change up the music and the routines about every two weeks, the guy that does Athletic Conditioning chages the circuit once a month, so I guess there's some variety in my set routine.
    Then, of course is the week that pops up every once in a while that all bets are off and my routine gets thrown off (like last week, and this week, but it usually only throws off a day, sometimes two.)
  • djserani
    Hello! (First post in this group)

    I started the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred thing, so right now, that's my routine. I'm going to be looking for something after it's over so this might be good. :)
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    If you like different aerobic/boot camp workouts you could try out the BeFit youtube channel. In addition to 30-day shred levels 1 and 2, they have about a bazillion other workouts.

  • djserani
    If you like different aerobic/boot camp workouts you could try out the BeFit youtube channel. In addition to 30-day shred levels 1 and 2, they have about a bazillion other workouts.

    Ooo! Thank you very much. :D I'll definitely look into that!