You got an F-?!?!?! GRRR!!!!!! 10/8

garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member

I like the scientific news she gives. Quite interesting at times. I used to get the CSPI publication years ago and it was can learn a lot about the food industry from that publication.
So given waht the American grades are (basically terrible) how are your grades and be honest!

Me, I will go first.
Meats- I personally don't feel there is anything wrong with beef! I will eat it just organic for me. I get an F or maybe a D- for Fish because honestly the fish cost a lot in my area. It is ridiculous! I am not a fan of Tilapia either. Of course, I cluck like a chicken almost daily! So, I would say my grade is a C+ only because the F in fish brought me down.

Dairy-I am good. I just love cheese though! I really do! All of it the stinky and mild. I do measure because I know can go overboard easily! So, with cheese a B+.

Grains-I love whole wheat everything and all the others oats, millet, wheat berries, quinoa, brown rice.... A.

Sweetners- I try to stay away for the most part. I use Stevia for a sweetener. If I bake I use sugar but 9 times out of 10 I have the recipes recommendation. So, I would say an A.

So, can I go to the party?!?!? Please!!! I got two As and B+ the D was only because the teacher hates me!



  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    I think I 'm with you WW on the F or D for fish, even being on the Gulf Coast, good fish is expensive, I don't like tilapia and I don't like to cook fish because of the smell in my house (and being allergic to shellfish doesn't help much). I agree that there's nothing wrong with beef, I don't eat it that often purely because I like my red met grilled and I can't have a grill in my condo so I tend to stick to chicken and turkey.

    Dairy- Hmmm, I've cut down on cheese (rather than having 2-3 slices on a sandwich, one will do and I do keep the Land O Lakes snack size packs in the house but I only have these on nights when I'm hungry before I go to bed and just need a little protein... better check to see if the bag's turned green yet, it's been a while) but I do have a glass of milk (lowfat) a day and some greek yogurt every couple days so I'm going to go with an A-

    Grains- Well, the wheat allergy can be a problem with this, but I do stick to the other gluten free grains like oats, brown rice, millet, quinoa so I get an A here

    Sweeteners- I'm going to go with an A on this one because the only thing I ever use sugar in is baking which I only tend to do (in terms of what I can eat due to the gluten free issue) around the holidays.

    Three A's does that mean the lowest grade gets dropped???
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member

    Three A's does that mean the lowest grade gets dropped???

    If I were the teacher I would say yes!
  • verdemujer
    verdemujer Posts: 1,397 Member
    I like Hungry Girl too.

    My grades by their standards wouldn't be good - Dairy: F, Protein: A, Grains: D, Sweetners: A+

    Now why is that? Well - under doctors orders we are suppose to be eating a ton of cheese and other fat things so yeah, I bet we eat over the 23 lbs this year. Protein - I can't remember the last time I ate beef, we mostly eat pork and chicken and fish. Not as much fish as we should, we go through stages. Grains - once again - very low carbs under doctors orders - any grain totally blows that up. When we do have carbs (except Subway), it is oats and whole grains so if I ate more I could give myself an A there. I only use stevia and I don't drink any pop. The other place all that sugar hides is in all the over processed food products which has mostly disappeared from our kitchen. Thank you doc! I still can't get my fat consumption up to 70%. He's going to have to be happy with 50%.
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    I like Hungry Girl too.

    My grades by their standards wouldn't be good - Dairy: F, Protein: A, Grains: D, Sweetners: A+

    Now why is that? Well - under doctors orders we are suppose to be eating a ton of cheese and other fat things so yeah, I bet we eat over the 23 lbs this year. Protein - I can't remember the last time I ate beef, we mostly eat pork and chicken and fish. Not as much fish as we should, we go through stages. Grains - once again - very low carbs under doctors orders - any grain totally blows that up. When we do have carbs (except Subway), it is oats and whole grains so if I ate more I could give myself an A there. I only use stevia and I don't drink any pop. The other place all that sugar hides is in all the over processed food products which has mostly disappeared from our kitchen. Thank you doc! I still can't get my fat consumption up to 70%. He's going to have to be happy with 50%.
    You still get an A since the grains and dairy are per doctor's orders, you have a note excusing you from those two lessons!