I'm trying to lose 150 pounds...

Hi, my name is Litha. I am a mother of 3 and a wife.

I am 150 pounds overweight (well a little less now that I've been working out and watching my caloric intake). I have PCOS and it makes it very difficult to lose weight. In the past I was discouraged when I'd do the same workout as someone else and eat the same calories, yet they'd lose more pounds than I would. That would make me stop and discourage me.

Now I have decided to take the focus off of "diet" and "exercise" and make it a life choice to be healthy, with a twist. I am exercising (of course) but with the goal of getting healthy with more mobility, and not the focus of losing weight, which means if I only lose a pound in a month... that's okay! I am also not "dieting"... I am eating what I want when I want but the only difference is... I'm stopping when I'm satisfied (not when I'm full). I have found that I eat 1/2 as much if not a 1/3 as much food as I did by doing this. So my caloric intake is where my endocrinologist said he wanted it (between 1000 to 1500 calories a day).

I just began this journey, so if there is anyone out there who wants to add me as a pal to help encourage me and keep me from giving up again, I'd very much appreciate it!

God Bless,


  • hollyla9905
    Welcome Litha,

    This is a group of people with a lot of work ahead of us! I hope you find some support here!!
  • heismystrength413
    Thank you!
  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    Hi Litha,
    This is a pretty great group. I don't know much about PCOS but its popping up a lot on MFP. Congrats on having such a great attitude about it and choosing to change your lifestyle anyways!!! Welcome aboard! lol!
  • Ignaura
    Ignaura Posts: 203 Member
    Welcome, Litha!!

    I found that I made the biggest when I stopped having losing weight as my main focus. I want to live a healthy and active life. If that makes lose weight, thats perfect. If not, I'm proud to know that I'm on my way to be a healthy person.
  • just_jess7
    just_jess7 Posts: 271 Member
    Welcome, Litha! It is a great idea to focus on getting healthy, strong, and being more mobile as opposed to focusing on the number the scale shows you. Good luck in your journey, and welcome to our group!

    I sent you a friend request, it is so important to have support throughout this journey.
  • Carysta
    Carysta Posts: 152 Member
    Welcome to the group :)
  • MsNYCteach20
    MsNYCteach20 Posts: 7 Member
    Welcome Litha!!!!
    We are all here to support and encourage so join in the struggle and let's do this together!!!:smile:
  • Ftw37
    Ftw37 Posts: 386 Member
    Hi Litha:

    As I write this, I have about 150 pounds to lose myself. I'd love to be your friend along our shared journey. Friend request sent.

    Frank (ftw37)
  • hollyla9905
  • incredibleshrinkingjackie
    welcome to the group Litha. i also sent a friend request.
  • m23prime
    m23prime Posts: 358 Member
    We do sensible and sustainable here. You have found the right place. You will find the mood optimistic, the tone hopeful, and the people supportive, practical, and above all, kind.

    What you are doing is not easy. I signed up with 175 pounds to lose, so I KNOW what you want to do is not easy. But I have found that participating in this group, sharing our victories, and yes, our whinges and whines too, has made doing This Thing much less difficult, and much more fun.

    You find yourself in good company Litha.

    You are welcome here.