Other siblings

Emma38418 Posts: 38 Member
Anybody had experience with bringing home a new baby to siblings? I am not sure how my daughter, who will be 3, will react. Any suggestions about how to keep the peace?! We are a very affectionate family so i will make sure that remains the same but other than that i know a newborn takes a lot of attention!


  • stephysd
    stephysd Posts: 2,410 Member
    My oldest was 3 when we brought our baby home. I took three months off for maternity leave and Iver was a July baby, so we were home for the summer. David went to daycare 3 days a week for 5 hours to maintain his daycare contract minimum, and also keep a routine. When he was home we spent a lot of time going to the park and playing with baby in the stroller. We usually swam a couple of times during the week. My family is close by, so my mom would stop by often and hang out with the baby while I did something special with David usually an ice cream cone. Or she would take David for one-on-one time with her.

    Honestly he did really well with the baby, and we never had any issues because we did not make a big deal of it. The only thing that was maybe hard for him was when I breastfed, but he eventually got to the point that he understood if baby was eating that we sat on the couch and he could bring books for me to read to him. Dog took it harder then the kid, and I am not looking forward to re-teaching her manners around the baby. She is now 5 years older and even more stubborn.
  • KimberlyTG2
    KimberlyTG2 Posts: 84 Member
    Two of my family members are due before me, So I hope my 2yo will get used to the idea of babies before we have ours. I asked him if he wanted a little brother or sister and he said "no, just us". I'll have to keep working on him:)
  • hotmomma0612
    hotmomma0612 Posts: 651 Member
    My kids will be less than 1 year apart, so I'm sure Felix will be fine :bigsmile: