Does anyone...?

veganbettie Posts: 701 Member
Does anyone actually stay in their respected calorie range on here while breastfeeding? I JUST CANT DO IT!!! I might end up eating my baby....

My little guy is coming up on 15 months and while i've lost all the baby weight, it wasn't much to start with, my doctor was psychotic about me eating well, "You don't eat for two while pregnant, only while breastfeeding!!"...I want to lose the rest of the extra weight I put on before I got pregnant...Am I going to have to wait until we wean? I was planing on letting him wean himself....I'm doomed...

so hungry...oh and don't get me started when I have PMS, then i'm hungry from the PMS AND from nursing...

Anyone else?


  • momRN2B
    momRN2B Posts: 247 Member
    Do u eat the 500 extra calories for breastfeeding?
  • ks4e
    ks4e Posts: 374 Member
    My calorie goal was set for 2000 calories, eating back exercise calories. Now that my daughter nurses less, I've set it to 1800 and have increased my exercise a bit more.

    If you a hungry, eat. Just aim for a diet high in healthy fats and lean proteins.
  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    I'm 5' 5" and was 192lbs before pregnancy. Maintenance calories for me are 2150, so plus 500 for breastfeeding (which I'll be starting for the fifth time in a couple of weeks) is 2650, which is a good amount of wholesome food. I can't imagine managing to eat all of those calories plus exercise calories every single day.

    I would check you've got your settings right again for your calorie intake. You're probably charging about after a toddler all day, so have you increased your activity level? If you're feeding a lot still are you still adding the extra 500 calories a day and drinking enough? Are you taking a good all round multi-vitamin to help replace the stores you lost during pregnancy and feeding? Are you getting enough sleep? I always eat/crave more when tired. Is it just hormonal and do you need something to help with hormonal balance? Perhaps try a health food store, where they have lots of things that may help and can maybe whittle down the possible solutions?

    I hope you find an answer. Good luck!
  • veganbettie
    veganbettie Posts: 701 Member
    I have my activity level set to sedentary since I have an office job, and since my baby is 15 months I figured I should do the older baby calories of 300? Maybe I should bump that up. My calories are set at 1430 before breastfeeding, so it's like i'm aiming exactly low....maybe i'm just really struggling right now.
  • veganbettie
    veganbettie Posts: 701 Member
    and I for sure drink enough water.
  • momRN2B
    momRN2B Posts: 247 Member
    I have my activity level set to sedentary since I have an office job, and since my baby is 15 months I figured I should do the older baby calories of 300? Maybe I should bump that up. My calories are set at 1430 before breastfeeding, so it's like i'm aiming exactly low....maybe i'm just really struggling right now.

    So you are eating 1430 calories plus 300 for breastfeeding for a total of 1730 calories. Do u also eat back your exercise calories? You should be since your activity level is set to sedentary.
  • veganbettie
    veganbettie Posts: 701 Member
    that was my plan to, but I haven't really been exercising...
  • TheJamLady
    TheJamLady Posts: 21 Member
    Up Your calories if you're hungry and make sure to get enough water. I went through the same thing postpartum. Then I did a little research and realized I should add 500cals for EBFing but even still I was hungry, so I manually upped my calories. Trust that hungry feeling and don't cut it down too fast. The weight will come off just keep eating right and keep active