So would you give up?? 10/10

garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
Hey, disappointments happen. I am sure each of us have a story or two to tell about something we wanted and we didn't make it. But key is how do you manage it? Keep going? Fold and crumble for a moment...get back up? Try something new?

I thought this article was interesting and brings up the mindset (we must challenge HOW WE THINK) of how we deal with disappointment especially with the whole fitness, eating, weight loss, gain, running etc.

Just because something does not work does not mean you are a loser!



  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    I've had to do a lot of rethinking in the past year, a lot of stumbling and falling too. But I never gave up, I kept seeking the answer, did I find it? Maybe. How we deal with our disappointments, I think depends on what it is. Sometimes I'll just keep going because I classify it as the "small stuff" sometimes, I'll kick something and move on, sometimes I'll kick myself and move on, I've folded and crumbled then got back up and kept going, I've tried new things, I've even given up completely, eventually to return with new purpose.

    How am I going to handle it at the Doc's office next week when I have to get on a scale and find out I didn't lose or I gained? I don't know, I won't know til it happens, but I will survive it because that's what I do
  • barbipet01
    I don't know why but I am the ultimate optimist. I always feel that everyday is a new day and that I can achieve my goals...only problem is that I fall into my old routines and never get past a small weight loss of 5# ( I lose and gain the same pounds every other month). Things to change my outcome:

    Log onto myfintesspal everyday from now until next Thursday and track everything that I eat and drink. Sometimes I like wine too much on the weekends!!

    Also, to take babysteps, I am going to exercise for 20 mins 3 x this week.

    I know if I stick to these simple ideas I can have a great surprise on the scale next week. :smile:
  • barbipet01
    I have been avoiding my doctor's appointment because of the scale too!! However, I have an appt on 10/21/13 and cannot cancel again because I need my medication refilled. That gives me 12 days to get to a better weight. Reality I could lose 2# before I see my doctor. It just seems like such a far distance from my goal.
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    I have been avoiding my doctor's appointment because of the scale too!! However, I have an appt on 10/21/13 and cannot cancel again because I need my medication refilled. That gives me 12 days to get to a better weight. Reality I could lose 2# before I see my doctor. It just seems like such a far distance from my goal.
    Just go and do it, do your best to remember that the number on the scale is not the be all and end all of what you're doing, measurements are important too, I've had where I haven't lost pounds but I've lost inches (or sometimes centimeters, or even millimeters) just use it as a guide and keep going, you can do this, yes that number may hurt, but get mad at it, then get even... next time make sure the number is smaller.
    I avoid the scale at home because I get obsessed with the numbers on the scale, to the point that I will give up and forget that the number I see is only part of my battle. The doctor appointment weigh in is tough, but it's a necessity and with my appt. on the 15th, this is the doc that discovered that I am in the early stage of hypothyroidism and I'm insulin resistant so this appt. is about if I need to adjust the meds because I'm getting too much or not enough and I am trying to remember that I am not stabilized yet for it to work enough so I can lose weight, because once I'm stabilized, all the hard work I'm doing will start to work and I will start to lose....
    I know the distance from now to your goal may seem far, but as my trainer keeps telling me: look at the smaller picture, I've always set my goals for weight loss in smaller increments (ie, I know I need to lose about 40 - 50 lbs, but my current goal is to lose 10 lbs, I have no time limit to do it in but looking at losing 10 lbs is a lot easier than to look at losing 40-50, when I hit that 10, then I'll set a goal for the next 10 and just keep working it down until I lose what I need to lose) so if you need to, give yourself a smaller picture and remember you have a great support network here to get through this (whether it's to cheer you on or give you a kick in the back side). You can do this!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    Tubthumping - Chumbawamba

    I get knocked down,
    but I get up again.
    You're never gonna keep me down.