Are you still tracking your weight?

superhelga Posts: 68 Member
Just wonder what other people do. I'm currently 9 weeks pregnant and has not yet started gaining.I've unintentionally lost a couple of more pounds due to morning sickness, rather. I can't decide what to do, plot in the numbers gained ( or lost)or just wait til baby is out and then start over. I want to keep track of my weight, and am ready to gain some, but seeing the ticker creep upwards here in mfp somewhat sounds undesirable..


  • momRN2B
    momRN2B Posts: 247 Member
    I am tracking my weight, logging my food and working out regularly. I hope to gain no more than 25 lbs if possible.
  • I'm keeping track of my weight, but not on here.
  • michelleepotter
    michelleepotter Posts: 800 Member
    I'm keeping track, but not trying to limit it (only worrying about eating healthy, not how much I do or don't gain). I just want to know what's going on.
  • her4g63
    her4g63 Posts: 284 Member
    I'm keeping track, but not trying to limit it (only worrying about eating healthy, not how much I do or don't gain). I just want to know what's going on.

    Couldn't have said it better (: That's exactly what I'm doing!
  • lisapr123
    lisapr123 Posts: 863 Member
    Still tracking at 32 weeks. Not stressing, just using it to keep myself in check. I find I don't really log exercise, even though I walk a lot and still spin once a week.
  • OtiWanKenobi
    OtiWanKenobi Posts: 340 Member
    Yup I'm doing the same. Since I was overweight when I got pregnant I have my caloric goal set to maintenance so I make sure I don't eat for two too often. Helps keep me in check and making sure that I'm making healthy choices.

    I chose to start my ticker from my pre-pregancy weight and hid my progress from public view to relieve some stress. It's just a gauge for me to see where I am. My goal is not to gain beyond 25 lbs.

    I will still log exercise, but if you're my friend you'll see I haven't done any logging lately since I've been sooooo tired. But I do walk! :)
  • toothpastechica
    toothpastechica Posts: 250 Member
    I'm tracking, but not as regularly as I was when I was trying to lose weight. Ironically I am now below my pre-pregnancy goal......I joke with my husband that so far my best weight loss effort has been getting pregnant!

    I expect that will turn around soon (It better!) and I will start gaining, but I am verrrry curious to see what that looks like, and I do want to try and gain no more then the 25-35lbs recommended, but I am not going to be very strict about it.
  • Flybeetle
    Flybeetle Posts: 387 Member
    I actually stopped tracking when I first got pregnant and then, when I started to see the scales creep up after the first trimester I freaked out and went back on MFP. I just need that sense of control, apparently.
    I set my cals to maintenance, adjust this to my new weight every time I gain, I eat back exercise calories and take one day a week off from MFP (so when I have crazy cravings during the week I know I can satisfy them on that day :))
    I think it depends on your personality too, if you enjoy working with a guideline then MFP can really help, but if you can't enjoy your pregnancy because you are constantly stressing about staying within your goals then I would say, just let go, listen to your body and enjoy these months!
  • dandelyon
    dandelyon Posts: 620 Member
    Yes, still tracking food and weight. Sometimes I'm a little obsessive about it, but I'm eating plenty of food.
  • I'm tracking my weight gain on my phone. I'll still log my foods and exercise to make sure i'm not eating too many unhealthy meals. I'm hoping for a 20 lb or less weight gain this time around.
  • BunBun85
    BunBun85 Posts: 246 Member
    I still track everything, weight, calories, exercise. I've gotten approval from my doctor to continue to eat at a deficit. I'm 5'2 and my goal weight for delivery is 180lbs, I'm currently 197, down from 211 the date I found out I was pregnant.
  • allison0820
    allison0820 Posts: 323 Member
    I am tracking my weight as well. But not trying to lose at all.
  • superhelga
    superhelga Posts: 68 Member
    I still track everything, weight, calories, exercise. I've gotten approval from my doctor to continue to eat at a deficit. I'm 5'2 and my goal weight for delivery is 180lbs, I'm currently 197, down from 211 the date I found out I was pregnant.

    Did I get this right? Your doctor has asked you to loose another 17 lbs while pregnant? I would get a second opinion on that. Sorry. Don't mean to bug you . It just contradicts everything I've ever read and heard about nutricion and pregnancy.
  • Rubyayn
    Rubyayn Posts: 433 Member
    I have tracked my food and weight gain for the whole pregnancy (40 weeks today). I do this mainly to watch sodium and other nutrients, like calcium and iron. I have gained about 38 pounds (a little more than I expected), but I feel GREAT and I firmly believe it has kept me eating healthier, though I would never cut calories while pregnant. I am currently eating 2500 per day and sometimes that isn't enough!
  • superhelga
    superhelga Posts: 68 Member
    As to consequences of low calorie intake check out this ted talk, 2nd part, about 9 minutes in. "Annie Murphy Paul: What we learn before we're born" The food you eat while pregnant prepares the fetus for the world it will be born in. Eating at a deficit prepares the fetus metabolism for a world of scarcity, while in fact it will be born into a world of abundance.
    I just found this a real eye opener. Having been overweight my whole life, I'm really concerned my own children will inherit my problems and struggles with weight.
  • xLoveLikeWinterx
    xLoveLikeWinterx Posts: 408 Member
    I am tracking my weight as well. But not trying to lose at all.

    This is me, too. Although I am still very very early on and just started to get sick/queasy, so I am having a hard time eating enough now.
  • ashlbubba
    ashlbubba Posts: 224 Member
    I'm tracking my weight and my calories. My starting weight was 198 (At 12 weeks I'm now 202, and comfortable with it). My goals are set at maintenance, 2,220, and I find myself saying "But I'm still hungry!" more than I should... however since getting pregnant I've been eating a lot of meals on the go and so I'm not getting the caloric bang for my buck.

    Tracking helps remind me that I cannot eat the entire box of brownies, and only bake one thing at a time! Since I have been eating at a deficit for the past year I am enjoying having some extra calories to play with but I am afraid that if I wasn't tracking and weighing in I'd already be 210!
  • I'm still tracking everything 100% as i always have on MFP - exercise and cals - and eating back my exercise cals

    Like mentioned before its handy to track your macros - making sure i get lots of protein and fibre etc

    I'm also still logging my weight weekly

    MFP logging is just second nature so its not a chore and keeping me accountable

    I do miss seeing the massive burns i used to get! Still trying to work out every day, though the tiredness hit me last week and i've just started up again today!

    When i first mentioned i was pregnant to some friends, they had comments of "oh you're gonna get fat etc!" in a passing joke, though given that i was overweight a few years ago and my body just seems to want to be fat (its a constant battle! haha) I REALLY want to stay trim and toned throughout my pregnancy for mine and babies health, and for a healthy delivery

    Fingers, toes and eyes all crossed!!
  • kristinc06837
    kristinc06837 Posts: 630 Member
    I have continued to track to make sure I am not gaining too much too quickly. I gained 75+ lbs with my son since I never weighed my self at home and it was really easy to put on 10lbs a month and I started out 40lbs over weight to begin with. I log my calories so I am accountable for what I am eating i feel a lot better seeing 300 calories of fruits and veggies on there instead of brownies. One of my main things is i like to make sure i"m getting enough calcium as i'm lactose intolerant while pregnant and protein and fiber. tracking this time i've managed to keep most side effects of low fiber intake away and I know protein and healthy fats are an integral part of healthy baby growing :)
  • PinkHurricane88
    PinkHurricane88 Posts: 156 Member
    I am also keeping track of calories, nutrients, and water. I log my weight gain in my pregnancy book that my doctor provided, and goal is to gain anywhere from 11-20lbs since I was overweight pre-pregnancy. I am 15 weeks as of tomorrow and have had a 5lb gain, the first trimester I lost a little from morning sickness, but thankfully started putting on some. I track what I eat to make sure I am eating enough, not too much, and making sure I am getting the proper amount of macronutrients, making sure not to overdo the sodium!
  • ehimay10ins
    ehimay10ins Posts: 57 Member
    I'm tracking my food here on MFP.

    I am working with a nutritionist although i've only gone to her once. she told me that she doesn't mind me maintaining during first/second trimester, but she doesn't want me losing anything.

    I have been tracking my weight from the doctor's office on my phone.
    I have also been weighing myself at home about once a week. I was 147 before getting pregnant and I wanted to stay under 150 during the first trimester. I am 12.5 weeks now, and I was 149.8. I have decided on my own to try and stay under 160 (on my scale) during the 2nd trimester. I am also trying to be realistic and know that it may not happen but it's a goal.
  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    40 weeks today and I've logged my food, exercise and weight all the way along. My goal was to only gain between 7 and 14lbs. I'm set at maintenance since my BFP and eat back exercise calories. I often eat over maintenance if I'm hungry and generally try and listen to my body. I was 90.1kg (198lbs) at my BFP and at 40 weeks I'm 93.2kg (205.5lbs). I also lost for the first 19 weeks (about 6lbs altogether) before I started to gain, so I've gained less than 8lbs overall and I'm more than happy with that.
  • Lisa_Rhodes
    Lisa_Rhodes Posts: 263 Member
    I'm mentally keeping track of my weight. I've been on and off or logging, but I'm trying to be more diligent about it since I've upped my carbs.. need to lower them back down a bit (or at least control them) and up my protein more. As long as I quit buying the good tasty carbs and keep buying more protein filled foods, I should be fine whether I log or not, haha. Not so much counting for calorie sake.. I eat when I feel the need to, really. :smile:
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    I stopped tracking my food when morning sickness set in ( I didn't see the point when I was just throwing most of it back up.)
    I still track my weight and have not reset my ticker. I might decide to when I start back over again after baby is born. For now I have left it alone.
    I am not concerned with weight gain as I know it is inevitable, I just want to be aware.
    I am actually more concerned with weight loss, my doctor doesn't want to see me losing tons of weight like I did last time.
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    I still track everything, weight, calories, exercise. I've gotten approval from my doctor to continue to eat at a deficit. I'm 5'2 and my goal weight for delivery is 180lbs, I'm currently 197, down from 211 the date I found out I was pregnant.

    Did I get this right? Your doctor has asked you to loose another 17 lbs while pregnant? I would get a second opinion on that. Sorry. Don't mean to bug you . It just contradicts everything I've ever read and heard about nutricion and pregnancy.

    If you look at her stats, she is considerably overweight (I am sorry, I don't mean to be rude, I weigh about what she does, I am just being honest.) There are so many complications in pregnancy that can be caused by extra weight. Perhaps her doctor feels her need to lose this weight will benefit her pregnancy.
    From all of my research and understanding, doctors will approve you to lose weight while you are pregnant if you are considerably overweight to begin with, never if you are not.
    It may just benefit her much more than hurt her to lose the weight. She knows better than all of us do.
    The important thing is that she listens to her body. If she feels the need to eat more, then she should, even if it defies doctor's orders. If she feels good, baby is healthy, heart beat is strong, her blood work and pressure is improving and she's losing weight - good for her!