When are you going to wean?



  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends switching to cow's milk at age 1 so long as your child is getting proper nutrients otherwise. Perhaps it's a Canadian thing, but it might be just your doctor.
  • Jenny_Rose77
    Jenny_Rose77 Posts: 418 Member
    We just got back from Max's 12 month appointment, and my doctor doesn't recommend switching to cow's milk until 18 months. She said to keep breastfeeding or switch to an older infant formula until 18 months. Her reasons being that some babies have a hard time digesting cow's milk, and that breastmilk or formula will ensure the baby gets enough iron.

    Wondering if it's just because I'm in Canada? Has anybody else been told the same thing?

    (I figured this was a good thread to ask in...)

    This is interesting information that I'm going to have to talk to my doctor about. Right now I think I definitely want to keep going for a while past a year (if my supply keeps up)--especially because G turns one during the height of cold and flu season. I can't believe I'm saying this now, because in the beginning I did not think I'd make it past 3 months. Lol. I'm pretty sure my husband wants me to wean right at the one year mark, if for no other reason than to see me in something other than a nursing bra! Poor guy. He'll get over it. He can have my boobs for the next 50 years. This year is reserved for the baby.
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 919 Member
    This is interesting information that I'm going to have to talk to my doctor about. Right now I think I definitely want to keep going for a while past a year (if my supply keeps up)--especially because G turns one during the height of cold and flu season. I can't believe I'm saying this now, because in the beginning I did not think I'd make it past 3 months. Lol. I'm pretty sure my husband wants me to wean right at the one year mark, if for no other reason than to see me in something other than a nursing bra! Poor guy. He'll get over it. He can have my boobs for the next 50 years. This year is reserved for the baby.

    You crack me up!! But SO true!
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    We just got back from Max's 12 month appointment, and my doctor doesn't recommend switching to cow's milk until 18 months. She said to keep breastfeeding or switch to an older infant formula until 18 months. Her reasons being that some babies have a hard time digesting cow's milk, and that breastmilk or formula will ensure the baby gets enough iron.

    Wondering if it's just because I'm in Canada? Has anybody else been told the same thing?

    (I figured this was a good thread to ask in...)

    I'm planning to ask about this at Rose's 12 month appointment in a few weeks. My SIL was weaning her 11 month old when we were home over the summer (she had to be finished BFing before heading back to work) and she was weaning to an older infant formula, and said it's pretty common to do. She said formula has more nutrients than cow's milk. I haven't yet looked into it myself, though.

    Rose recently weaned herself from her afternoon nursing session, so I bought some organic cow's milk for her to try. Twice now I've given it to her in her sippy cup, and she's not a fan. The first time she took a big swig not knowing what was coming, and gagged like crazy. Tried again a couple of days later and no gagging that time, but she definitely wasn't thrilled! I haven't tried since, and I think I'm just going to let DH drink it and wait until the doctor's appointment before making any decisions.