Just Starting of MFP

Hi all,

I am just getting started on MFP. I joined a long time ago, but this time I am determined to stick with it.

I have PCOS and was not diagnosed with it until age 32, although all the symptoms have been there since I was a teenager. I am now 36 and was starting to have regular periods this past year. Ok, well, regular as opposed to having no period at all. My shortest cycle was 45 days, and my longest cycle was 57 days. I am now on day 65 of this cycle and still no period. GRRRRRRRRR. I have taken 20 days of Clearblue fertility tests, but the only message I keep getting is "high." I have not peaked, but my basal temp. says I have ovulated. PCOS is beyond frustrating!!!!

Anyway, the reason I am here is to get ideas for meals, especially breakfast. I always eat breakfast on the go, so I'm looking for something quick and simple to make in the mornings. Actually, any meal and snack suggestions would be great. I have an enormous sweet tooth, unfortunately. Metformin has not helped lessen that. I feel like my stomach is a bottomless pit that will never be full.

Thanks for taking the time to read this. I really want to stick with this and lose some weight to help with fertility. I want to lose weight to feel better and be healthier!!!!


  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    Your ClearBlue test sounds about right for Estrogen dominance and PCOS. One of the things that PCOS does is screw up your hormones, and it's not uncommon for Estrogen to be pegged at high all the time.

    As for your cravings, try going low-carb, high-fat and see if that helps. Especially if you go whole-foods based, many women find it does wonders for their cycle and for cravings/satiation.

    Also, make sure you're getting enough exercise. Many women find that 30 minutes of some kind of cardio every day is pretty much required for weight loss, and I've found that some amount of weight lifting has been the best thing for my cycles (if you can't do weights for whatever reason, start with bodyweight stuff, the strength training in general might be enough, I haven't personally tried).
  • Alliwan
    Alliwan Posts: 1,245 Member
    agree with Dragonwolf, eat lower carb/higher fat as most pcos women are also insulin resistant. and exercise is essential. Many of us arent able to eat our exercise calories back, but some can and still lose the weight. Lifting weights will also help.

    hang in there, know you have fellow pcosers here
  • Thanks, ladies!!!!

    What do you eat for breakfast?
  • Alliwan
    Alliwan Posts: 1,245 Member
    Thanks, ladies!!!!

    What do you eat for breakfast?

    almost always eggs for me. usually its a two egg veggie omlet with spinach, mushrooms, onions, etc with a side of bacon or two. this morning hubby got up early and made kilbasa with eggs. i always add a little mozzerella cheese on top of either the omlet or the eggs.

    but ive had protien shakes with a little protien powder, greek yogurt, coconut milk and some peanut butter, or just greek yogurt with some fruit. I love to add avocado to my eggs or just eat it with a little salt for breakfast. I often put some coconut oil in my morning coffee because it helps add to the fat content and keeps me full longer.

    if you dont like breakfast stuff, eat a higher protien/fat lunch for breakfast instead. there are lots of options but eggs are one of my favorite things to eat, so i guess its good we raise hens for eggs :laugh:
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    I do a drink called Primal Egg Coffee, it's a variation of Bulletproof Coffee. It's pretty good, though takes some getting used to if you're not a coffee drinker.

    The point of the Bulletproof Coffee is to have a fat-only meal, provides energy in about as pure a form as you can get (medium chain triglycerides, the primary fat in coconut oil, is basically pure energy to our bodies), without causing an insulin response.

    Primal Egg Coffee has a slightly different purpose, because it includes some protein and potentially a little bit of sugar. It's more of a "meal" drink. I like this one better, because I don't like the mouthfeel of coconut combined with coffee.

  • ajacot924
    ajacot924 Posts: 31 Member
    Unfortunately with PCOS, our hormones are so wonky (very medical term) that the ovulation kits aren't really helpful.
    I eat 2 hardboiled eggs (made the weekend before), fruit, and a small glass of milk.
    Juice will cause blood sugar spikes which is not good for people who have or are prone to insulin resistance.