Orange Team meet and greet



  • BMP9713
    BMP9713 Posts: 107 Member
    Well we are all here to help you get to 150! Do you have any goals for this week?
  • dillyg08
    dillyg08 Posts: 993 Member
    Hello Orange Team,

    My name is Beverley. I'm 42 yrs old. It is so ironic that I'm on another orange team. I am ready for this challenge, being from the Caribbean, we tend not to eat healthy. The food is great, but full of calories. I know that I need to do this, because diabetes is rampant in my family. My mom passed away at an early age due this disease. I hope to surpass her life span by practicing healthy life style.

    For this challenge, I would love to loose 25-30 lbs. This will put me in the healthy weight range. My current weight is 186lbs.

    For this week, I plan on working out at least 3 days for 30 mins each time and drink 8 glasses of water.

    Good luck to you all. Go Orange:flowerforyou:
  • mrsjas2000
    mrsjas2000 Posts: 908 Member
    Hi Orange team, I am Karen and started this journey in Jan. and started off doing pretty good and have since fallen off the wagon big time I now weigh more than when I started, I am very depressed about this and then I eat, I am not just a stress eater, I eat when happy, sad. bored, even busy I find time. I really need to get back to this for myself and my family. My goal for the season is to lose 30 lbs and goal for the week is to get my water in 8 glasses a day and workout at least 3 days.
  • Nida1982
    Nida1982 Posts: 16 Member
    Goal for this week: dont gain pounds, B/c im with menstruation

    Final goal: Perhaps 127
  • BMP9713
    BMP9713 Posts: 107 Member
    Great goal!
  • BMP9713
    BMP9713 Posts: 107 Member
    Hi Orange team, I am Karen and started this journey in Jan. and started off doing pretty good and have since fallen off the wagon big time I now weigh more than when I started, I am very depressed about this and then I eat, I am not just a stress eater, I eat when happy, sad. bored, even busy I find time. I really need to get back to this for myself and my family. My goal for the season is to lose 30 lbs and goal for the week is to get my water in 8 glasses a day and workout at least 3 days.

    Hey Karen! So nice meeting you welcome to the orange team!! Those are some great goals that you have listed and I look forward to helping you reach them!
  • BMP9713
    BMP9713 Posts: 107 Member
    Hello Orange Team,

    My name is Beverley. I'm 42 yrs old. It is so ironic that I'm on another orange team. I am ready for this challenge, being from the Caribbean, we tend not to eat healthy. The food is great, but full of calories. I know that I need to do this, because diabetes is rampant in my family. My mom passed away at an early age due this disease. I hope to surpass her life span by practicing healthy life style.

    For this challenge, I would love to loose 25-30 lbs. This will put me in the healthy weight range. My current weight is 186lbs.

    For this week, I plan on working out at least 3 days for 30 mins each time and drink 8 glasses of water.

    Good luck to you all. Go Orange:flowerforyou:

    Welcome to the team Beverley!!! I am sorry to hear about your mother. My family also struggles with diabetes so I know how you feel. You have set some wonderful goals and I'm sure you will reach them furring this challenge! We are all here to support you!
  • dillyg08
    dillyg08 Posts: 993 Member
    Thank you. I'm so ready....

    Hello Orange Team,

    My name is Beverley. I'm 42 yrs old. It is so ironic that I'm on another orange team. I am ready for this challenge, being from the Caribbean, we tend not to eat healthy. The food is great, but full of calories. I know that I need to do this, because diabetes is rampant in my family. My mom passed away at an early age due this disease. I hope to surpass her life span by practicing healthy life style.

    For this challenge, I would love to loose 25-30 lbs. This will put me in the healthy weight range. My current weight is 186lbs.

    For this week, I plan on working out at least 3 days for 30 mins each time and drink 8 glasses of water.

    Good luck to you all. Go Orange:flowerforyou:

    Welcome to the team Beverley!!! I am sorry to hear about your mother. My family also struggles with diabetes so I know how you feel. You have set some wonderful goals and I'm sure you will reach them furring this challenge! We are all here to support you!
  • RaineyLaney
    RaineyLaney Posts: 605 Member
    Woo Hoo, I am so excited for this challenge to get started :) (may feel differently in 4 months though, ha ha).

    I just wanted to shout out a Good Luck to my team Orange. We can do this. I know we can. Lets kick some butt out there in the World of Biggest Loser and let our team come into the number one spot.

    Thank you BMP for being our coach too. I know you will have a lot of responsibility keep all of us motivated/in toon to win this thing. :D
  • BMP9713
    BMP9713 Posts: 107 Member
    We can and we will do this!! Unfortunately for u guys I am am very competitive lol . I will be here to help with whatever you need just inbo me or post on the team thread. I plan on making sure that every single one of us makes it to our goal. As you all know I can only do so much from home so you will have to work for it and it is going to be hard but we can do this and we will do this. Go orange!!
  • JonathanMFP
    JonathanMFP Posts: 44 Member
    Hi team!

    I am excited to watch the Biggest Loser this season, and also take part in this challenge group with you all. My weight has fluctuated over the past few years. While no longer at my heaviest (which was way before I got on MFP), I am bigger than I've weighed in a while - currently in the 300s - and far from my lowest weight on MFP which was in the 270s.

    My goal this week is to get back to using MFP to log my calories. Probably the main reason I've gained weight again is that I've stopped doing that consistently. I also plan to work out daily again, actually setting aside some time instead of just doing it when I have time, which usually results in me putting it off until I don't end up working out.

    My goal for the end of this challenge is to buy some pants with a waist size in the 30s. Currently, I have to get pants with a waist size in the mid 40s, and while they fit, they are still tight. I don't want to get anything larger, though, as I just bought some pants, and getting them at that size was a depressing reality check.

    I'm looking forward to seeing the weight loss for all of us, as we watch the folks on the show drop the pounds, too.

    Go orange team!!! =)
  • BMP9713
    BMP9713 Posts: 107 Member
    It Is great to meet you! Welcome!! I know what your talking about with the pants sizes last year when I finally got out of the us sizes I was so excited then I got stressed and just ate everything I could get my hands on and now I just hate going shopping bc now I have to shop in the plus sizes again. My favorite stores don't even carry my size now that I'm back in the plus sizes. It is so frustrating! You will get in to the 30's and we are all here to help!
  • kaylikee
    kaylikee Posts: 68 Member
    Hello. my name is kaylee. I'm 30 years old. I've been married for 6 years and have a 20 month old silly son. I've always battled with my weight. a couple years ago I lost 80 pounds on my own but over time with switching jobs and having a baby I gained it all back. I've lost almost 50 but still want to lose 70 more. my goal for the challenge is 30. My goal this week is to stay away from food I know won't help me. to think of food as fuel. not entertainment or "bad ". I'm very excited to start :)
  • BMP9713
    BMP9713 Posts: 107 Member
    Yay kaylee!!! Excited to have you!
  • tolae2006
    tolae2006 Posts: 54 Member
    Hello every one:

    I am so excited I want to lose 25- 30 lbs during this challenge. I am committing myself to working out 5 times by week.
  • BMP9713
    BMP9713 Posts: 107 Member
    Good to meet you! Welcome to the team! That is a great weight loss goal and it sounds like you have a darn good plan to get to it!
  • zzzzia
    zzzzia Posts: 295 Member
    Sorry, wrong team :)

    but hello all and I'm happy to compete with you :)