MFP Friends Wanted

Hello everyone,
My girlfriend and I have started a weight loss regimen together and we would love to have more lesbian friends! Add us and we can motivate each other. My girlfriend's username is mckaylaspeace.


  • angiedeborja
    angiedeborja Posts: 10 Member
    Hi Rose! I will add your girlfriend. How is your guys' weight loss regimen going?
  • rita27ny
    rita27ny Posts: 820 Member
  • angiedeborja
    angiedeborja Posts: 10 Member
    Hi Rita :) How are you
  • Hi! I think that is awesome! I started my journey to losing weight and getting overall healthy and never once nagged or bothered my girlfriend about working out with me. I figured if she wanted to she would on her own and I loved her regardless. Well, as I started to lose weight she noticed and a little over 2 months later she has joined me. So far I am down 33lbs and it feels great to be able to work out with her and to have the experience in our relationship. I am too always looking for new friends :) Libby
  • angiedeborja
    angiedeborja Posts: 10 Member
    Libby, Congratulations on your progress!!
  • rita27ny
    rita27ny Posts: 820 Member
    ad me
  • emilyrosecooperart
    emilyrosecooperart Posts: 12 Member
    Sorry, I just now saw your comment. I usually get on MFP on my iPhone to log, and the app does not show me these comments. Our regimen is going well. Thank you for asking. I hope your health is well and you are on track with all your goals :)
  • ScarlettShaun
    ScarlettShaun Posts: 4 Member
    Hi just found the groups today and have been browsing them... I am a few weeks away from a bypass surgery I have done all the paper work, doctors ect now I just need the scope down to my stumich to make sure everything is okay to go... We live in New Mexico...