I have a BITER...help!

Jenny_Rose77 Posts: 418 Member
Ladies, I think I really need your help. My son has just started biting me during our nursing sessions, and, not surprisingly, it hurts like hell. He is 9.5 months, and up to this point has been a great nurser. I had been planning to go to at least a year, and I don't want this biting business to force me to stop earlier than I'd planned. What can I do? Have any of you successfully gotten your babies who had been biting you to stop?


  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    I have a biter too, but at least she stopped biting my nipples. When he bites, you should say ouch or something Iike that and take him down saying NO biting. After a minute or so take him back and start nursing again. If he bites again, repeat the process.
    After a few times they usually get it biting = n boboes ;) Unfortunately I only can only manage to teach no biting toward a specific thing. My little girl bites everything she can reach, shoulder, leg, tight, toes neck etc. once she bit our dog .... I am really clueless what to at this point other than remove her from the situation . My pedi said just keep saying no and try to prevent it: distract her when she is about to bite
  • luvemykids
    I agree with redheadmommy. Take him off and firmly say no biting. Also I would add that sometimes when babies are getting close to being done with a nursing session, they tend to play around. If you notice he is getting ready to be done take him off so that he does not have the chance to bite. If he plays around and bites at the beginning of his feed, I would recommend lengthening the time between nursing sessions if possible. That may prevent biting at the beginning because he will be a little more hungry and want to get down to business. Hope he stops soon! I know how painful that can be.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    I had a persistent biter and the only way I could get him to stop was to flick his mouth when he did it. It was also the only way I could get him to let go. That hurt from my toenails to the end of my hair!
  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member

    I did the same thing as redheadmommy - when I got bitten, I took him off, said "no biting" firmly, and put him down.

    He cried because I used a firm voice, but he stopped biting after a few times of doing this.

    Sometimes babies bite when they're tired, too. You could try taking him off if he's just comfort nursing.

    Good luck, mama!