Team Blue Meet & Greet!



  • khearron26
    khearron26 Posts: 171 Member
    Hi everyone, my name is Sherry and I am 34 years old. Been married for 15 years this Nov., have 2 kids and I work a very part time job stocking cards/party/holiday supplies for Hallmark in our local stores. I've always struggled with my weight and dream of the day that I succeed at this weight loss journey. I've lost and regained my weight so many times, it makes me dizzy thinking about it.

    I don't have the best support system in place, I get a lot of encouragement on mfp but as far as in my own offline world it's pretty bleak. I usually do pretty good once I get in the groove of things, I get my workouts in, eat well and then out of the blue, it goes south, I'm praying this challenge will lead me to a longer and more successful lifestyle.

    I have 125 lbs. to lose, as much as I would love to be able to drop that like the contestants on the biggest loser, the hanging fat that would come with it would depress me so I will lose it slower and pray that the skin shrinks back as I lose. I hope to lose at least 40 and hopefully lots more by Feb. 4th.

    I have some deep rooted fears that hold me back at times from losing weight and I'm trying to realize that I need overcome them and not worry about things in my past but look forward to good times and the better life that I have now and in the future.

    I've never been able to share my weight with anyone because of the embarrassment of the number. BUT with the biggest loser it's all about putting it all out there and moving past our fears and going forward so that is what I am trying to do with this challenge.

    I wish everyone the best and hope we all are able to reach new heights in this challenge. GO BLUE TEAM!!!

    Glad to have you on team blue! We are all here to motivate and be there for each other. I understand about the getting started, all going well, and then wham it all goes to hell. If you feel as if you are about to get to that point, holla and I'll be there to help.

    this!! Have no fears on Team Blue Biggest Loser! There are never any judgments and ALWAYS plenty of encouragements! I know exactly how it is to be weighed down emotionally by the number of pounds on the scale. I know just what it is like to never want to tell anyone what number I'm at---even my own husband. This biggest problem I have isn't finding healthy food to eat. It has always been the choices I make when I'm having anxiety attacks or stress has overcome me. It's like my rational, healthy brain shuts off and runs on autopilot, eating whatever is available. That is what I am here to fight. When an attack comes, I want to learn to keep my head, and stay calm.

    We will be here for you whenever you need us!
  • justformel
    justformel Posts: 193 Member
    I haven't seen anything about a challenge yet for this week, but when we see it posted we will surely post the information here. :happy:

    For weigh ins, Darcie and I will post them in the spreadsheet that will be turned into the leader. What we need you to do, is post your weight in the current thread and then we will transfer the information over. We have decided that we will have our weigh in deadline be one day early, that way we have time to get all the information turned in. So our weigh in deadlines will be Monday nights by 8pm EST.

    We have a great group of supportive women here, we are here to help each other and as Keli said, there will be no judgements at all and only support and motivation. We are here to help each other! :flowerforyou:
  • justformel
    justformel Posts: 193 Member
    My thoughts on last night...I was really disappointed by the 1 hr episode, I wish they would have been able to go into their stories more, show more gym time, nutrition, etc. I am not sure if its only going to be an hour all season, but I hope not.

    I did like how the trainers got to pick the contestants this year, that was neat watching, then the trainer save was cool, but at the same time, how hard would that be, I save you but won't you. Know what I mean.

    Overall, I will always love the show and am in love with the trainers. lol

    What were your thoughts on the show? Do you have a favorite yet? I am not sure who my fave is going to be yet.
  • khearron26
    khearron26 Posts: 171 Member
    I don't have cable, so I can't watch the show on Tuesday nights. But I bet it is online and I can watch it the day after it airs!
  • kyoung1908
    kyoung1908 Posts: 409 Member
    Hi everyone I'm Kendra. I guess you can say I'm the surprise! I was added to the team and I'm so glad. I'm 25 years old and I'm from a small town in Georgia. I'm pretty sure I was probably 3 months and eating grits. My family is very into cooking traditional southern meals and a lot of it. I grew up eating comfort food all of my life. Majority of the people in my family are obese. I guess people couldn't really tell I was overweight until recently because I'm 5'11. I had more places to "hide" my weight. When I graduated from college I got a job as a bank examiner. I travel so much and I'm rarely home so it means that I eat out a lot. I go to a lot of small towns and they have limited choices of restaurants. Most of the time my team and I end up going to a country cooking place. I've gained about 20 pounds since working this job and I've been working here for 20 years. I don't have a strong support system so I'm depending on you all to help me through this journey. I pray that once I lose weight my family will see that they too can have a healthy life.