Howdy from the UK

Hi there - my name is Jo. I have been T1 for 11 years (nearly 12) and I am needing to lose weight.

I have possible PCOS and Insulin Resistance too - am struggling, tried WW/SW/Low carb and still no weight loss..

I exercise 3-4 times a week - I wish I could do more but have neuropathy and am visually impaired.

Would love some friends here and support :)


  • jamie_lee80
    jamie_lee80 Posts: 176 Member
    Hi joe! Welcome, i hope you find the support that you are looking for
  • 2hobbit1
    2hobbit1 Posts: 820 Member
    Hi from the States!
    Good people and good tools here.
    You can do it-just needs good carb counting skills, and this is the place to learn. If you don't have one yet get a gram food scale and weigh your portions. It was a big eye opener for me and explained a lot!
    With PECOS it can be harder- you may need to really restrict your carb intake to see results. Also have you discussed using metformin to help with the PECOS insulin resistance. While it is primarily used as a T2 med it does help with PECOS and can be used in combination with your basal/bolus insulins. Just be on the look out for increased sensitivity and the need to lower your TDD when it starts to work so you don't start having lows.