Official week 1 thread



  • kaylikee
    kaylikee Posts: 68 Member
    Hm... my why... I'll try to go a little deeper... I'm extremely pro-life. but how can I be pro-life while not living healthy and making bad decisions on what I eat? I want to be healthier and feel better. I want to look great for my husband. I want to live longer for my son and be a good example for him. I want to have more children and be in good shape for that. Iwant to run and breathe at the same time. I want to buy a smashing outfit in the tiny section and know I can wear it (even though id probably be too terrified to walk outside in it lol )
  • tamievice155
    tamievice155 Posts: 17 Member
    My why names are Zaviar and Zachary i need to be healthy not only for me but them as well i want to look in my mirror and see the real me not the extra 65lbs i want to show my kids a healthy life style also i want to stick with my clean eating and nor t ventured off!!
  • Anne0209
    Anne0209 Posts: 73 Member
    Why....I have struggled for years to get this weight off and I'm hoping that this challenge will move me in the right direction. I have 125 lbs. to lose overall and want to be sure to weigh in at the end of this challenge under 250 lbs, thats 40+ lbs to lose.

    I would like to be able to complete a 5k walk/run by the end of the challenge. I have bad knees from the highschool volleyball days so I have to be careful and watch how much pressure I'm putting on them and right now too much!!

    Ultimately I want to be in better shape and health for myself and for my family. Diabetes and heart disease is a big concern for me as my parents and brother all have far not me, I'm not in great shape but I do believe that my attempts at weight loss over the years has helped keep these issues at bay. Every year I get a checkup to be sure I'm still good, will get results within the week from this yrs checkup.
  • AshleyMeggg
    AshleyMeggg Posts: 148 Member
    I am here because I want to be the best possible version of myself. Someone who is healthy, competitive, athletic, and strong. And I'm also aiming to turn heads everywhere I go, but I know thats just an added bonus.
    I want to be able to accomplish amazing things. Starting with a 5k and moving on to mountain climbing, or obstacle races, or ultra marathons. Basically, any challenge thrown in front of me I want to be able to tackle with confidence, not step aside to let someone else do it.
  • Oh_Allie
    Oh_Allie Posts: 258 Member
    I'm here because I'm tired of being a shell of my former self. I'm tired of being anxious to go out and enjoy my life, play with my kid and just live because I'm afraid of what people will think or say about me.

    I'm so done caring what other people think and say. I'm here 100% for me. I want my life back.
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    My Why:

    I'm here because I want to be healthy! I want to watch my kids grow up and I want to live a long healthy life with my husband.

    Since joining mfp 3 years ago, I lost and gained back about 45 pounds. :embarassed: I cannot believe I allowed myself to gain all the weight back! Well, actually I do because I sabotaged myself. When I got close to my goal weight, I was scared I would gain the weight back. So, I just gave up. I dont want to go on a diet or be afraid of what I am able to accomplish. I want to make eating healthy and staying active a lifestyle change. So, this is my second chance to lose the weight and keep it off!


    Wishing Everyone the Best on this Journey! :flowerforyou:
  • Bambi48433
    My why is to finally conqure my addictive relationship with food and to get my body in shape to be stronger, sexier, and over all my mental state to be happier/healthier. Yes I love food and that love shows on every square inch of my body. I can not eat just one of anything, I need the whole bag. So yes, I need this challenge to keep me focused and keep my head on straight. I have tried all kinds of diets in the past and now I am trying to eat sensibly and not do the "FAD" diets. It seems to be working. The weight is coming off. I am getting stronger every single day. I have had a few back sliding days, but have stopped from pigging out too much **Hince the profile picture... PIGGY**. I want to walk with pride down the street and turn heads and know those heads are not thinking **Oh my look at that FAT PIGGY waddle jiggling down the street**
  • RaineyLaney
    RaineyLaney Posts: 605 Member
    Why am I here?? Oh I am here for so many reasons. I am here because I am a diabetic and need to get my sugar levels down and keep them down. I want to stop this disease in it's tracks so I can live a very healthy full filling life with spunk and energy. I don't want to end up in a wheel chair with both my legs aputated, or have people guide me through the streets because I lost my eye sight, Or to be bed ridden with a stroke or heart failure due to this nasty disease. I also am here, because I know I need to lose this weight once and for all. I have a lengthy profile, but it is in great detail of my struggles over the years on losing weight and the setbacks/stress factors that entered my life and collapsed the dieting.

    I have lost 60lbs so far this time and I feel so strong and set in my eating ways. It is like second nature to me now. I feel it can only get better every day. There is no turning back now. I don't crave sweets like I use to and a sugar free jello, nice flavored low carb yogurt or even a sweet fruit seems to be all I need when I get that "dang, I need/want something sweet to eat" feeling. I eat extremely healthy. I focus more on the health (nutrient,vitamin) aspects than the "I need to lose this weight" aspect. With me eating healthy and focusing on getting well balanced out meal plans per day seems to be doing the trick with an added bonus of the scale moving in the right direction is an added bonus.

    I want to wish everyone success in this challenge. Not just my team mates, but all of us. We are all in this together teams or not. We all are here for the same reasons. To lose weight and get healthier, and stronger. So to everyone... .Stay strong, Stay focused and you will succeed.
  • janetksc
    janetksc Posts: 80 Member
    the why---

    I want to say it is because I want to get healthier..which it is. That is the reason I started this, MFP, and I did that for over a year. But when I had a set back in my family (my mother being diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer), I used that as an excuse to go back to my old ways. I then looked around my house and noticed that my grown daughters started putting on weight again. Even though they are in their 20's and have children of their own, I still had a huge effect on their lifestyle patterns. So here is the reason I am doing this challenge... I want to break the pattern with their kids. I want then to think its "normal" to go for a do a 5K with your grandma. I want to break the cycle...and help my daughters show their children how to be healthy and stay healthy. It has to start with ME...
  • justformel
    justformel Posts: 193 Member
    Good Morning! Back when I started my journey 10+ yrs ago, I refused to go up one more pant size. I was at a 24 at the age of 24 and refused to buy bigger when I needed it. At that time, that was my why. Over the years as I have gotten older, my why has turned into, I want to be a good example for my girls. I know one of them is built like me and puts weight on easily like me. Although she is no where near being overweight cause of her activities now, I could see as she turns into a young adult that could easily change. My mother also has a lot of weight issues, is very overweight and has to take a ton of meds because of this problem. I don't want to be like that as I get older. She turned 56 this year and her mother passed away at 55 and her dad at 60. I don't want to leave my kids that early and I keep having the talks with her and she understands my concerns of her passing at such a young age too. There are a lot of medical issues that run through my family and I want to be a success story, I want my children to continue being proud of who their mother is. :happy:
  • kyoung1908
    kyoung1908 Posts: 406 Member
    Team Blue


    My why is because I don't want to end up a statistic. Almost every person in my family is obese and suffer from either high blood pressure, diabetes or both. I'm 25 years old and I need to be in the best shape that I can possibly be in. I'm from a small town and a lot of "young" people have been dying from heart attacks. Heart attacks/strokes/diabetes and any other illnesses doesn't have an age limit. I need to be the change for my family. I remember I wanted to go indoor skydiving with my boyfriend this spring and I couldn't because there was a 200 pound weight limit. He doesn't know how much I weigh but I was so thankful that they were closed when we were suppose to go. I want to be able to do things that I want to do in life without any worries. Good luck to everyone!
  • Neisha2014
    Neisha2014 Posts: 9 Member

    WHY? i want to lose weigh i started my weigh loss journey a year ago and loss 61lbs s so far and i started this journey because when i went to the doctor i saw a number on a scaled that i never in a million years though i would see (302lbs) i was disappointed in my self that i let myself get that big so i deiced to make a change not only for me but for my mother so she could stop bugging me about my health...i am graduating soon from college soon and i would like to be the at the healthiest point in my life i am 21 years of age if you were wondering
  • soccerella
    soccerella Posts: 623 Member
    These are some great reasons! It seems like second chances is a good theme for our group as well this season.

    Just a reminder that the "why" needs to be posted by you in this thread to get credit. I have seen a couple people say they have completed the challenge by posting it only in their team thread - remember this doesnt count!

    Has anyone tried the optional workout for this week? I havent gotten a chance to yet, but plan on it this weekend
  • mrob04
    mrob04 Posts: 88 Member
    My why is very similar to several others who posted earlier. I have a horibble self esteem, I hate myself. This self hate is now spilling out into my everyday life where I take it out on my kids or anyone else that I come in contact with. I am also causing my daughter to have the same self esteem issues and that really just kills me. I have relied on my own efforts over and over and have never gotten anywhere. Now I am relying on my faith in God to see me through this journey. I rely on HIM for comforts through my own insecurities. I want to foster a Godly image and a healthy realtionship with food for not only my daughter but all 3 my children. Thanks every for posting their "why's" and making it easier for me to do the same!!! Have a great day! :smile:
  • KateK8LoseW8
    KateK8LoseW8 Posts: 824 Member
    Here is my "why."

    I have chronic depression, and it's something that I have to work consciously to manage every day. When the depression starts to creep up and start taking control, I stop going out. I stop working out. I stop caring about what I'm eating, just drinking wine and ordering take-out every night. And I get fat. Last time this happened, I managed to get obese. I went to a psychiatric hospital that was really fantastic when things got out of control, and they taught me how important proper diet and exercise is in managing my symptoms. So this isn't just about looking better (though that is a great benefit), it's about feeling better, and feeling in control of my own life. Taking care of my body is a crucial component of taking care of my emotional health, and that's why I'm doing this.
  • worsleys13
    worsleys13 Posts: 26 Member

    WHY?? I am here because I am tired of not living life to the full! I have always been a bit on the larger side than all of my friends but it has never bothered me until now. I used to be an athlete! I went on trial for the England Netball team and had a real chance! I was always playing different sports at school but then it just suddenly stopped. After that I became a bit of a recluse, turning down invites to parties and days out with my friends. I have lost a lot of friends by being this way and I have finally realised that it needs to stop! There is so much out there for me and by losing weight I believe that I will gain a lot of confidence and self-esteem to help me finally get out there and START LIVING!!!
  • jessmastrilli
    jessmastrilli Posts: 203 Member
    My name is Jessica. I was diagnosed with hypothyrodism in March 2013 and even though I lost 40 pounds in the past 2 years, it is really hard to keep it off. I need to maintain my calories at a lower level. Also, I was really fat in my wedding 3 years ago and hate seeing photos from it, so that is a reminder of why I need to maintain my weight. I am around 142 and while I'm comfortable with it, I'd like to get back down to 135. Also, I am trying to conceive my first baby, and I need to have a healthy lifestyle :)
  • mylifemynow
    mylifemynow Posts: 55 Member
    My why? To become a mother. I've wanted nothing more than to be a mom for many years (starting when I was little). Many doctors and I are working towards this but a big part is my diet and weight have severely affected my hormones. I want to LIVE my life. I want to have a family - I want to do everything I can to accomplish this. That is my "why".
  • CristinaVonAlva13
    CristinaVonAlva13 Posts: 12 Member
    My why is for myself. Growing up i have struggled with my weight. I was always worried about what people were going to think of
    me. I want to be healthy be able to one day run a marathon. I want to be comfortable in the clothes i wear. Also i am 22 years old eventually later in my life i want kids and i want to be healthy enough to have kids. My mom and aunt are overweight and when they got pregnant they got type 2 diabetes and they still suffer from it.
  • Veganmafia
    Veganmafia Posts: 54 Member
    I signed up because I need a little push sometimes to stay committed and being on a solo mission has been ineffective for the past two years in which I thought my own will power would be sufficient and it was not.
    I was vegetarian/vegan for seven years ( no breaks) and got burnt out. Initially I lost a lot of weight and was happy (it was rare to come across veggie people and many people were inspired because I went from 198lb to 160lb) But after I graduated college I burned out.

    There were so many resources that encouraged newbie veggie people but not many books, if any for those who had hit a wall and had tired out from tofu, side dishes and veggies. I knew all the basics of faux food and easy ordering (newbie veggie training) and all the other veggie books were so complicated and required so many contraptions and specialty items that were hard to find and when found required expensive tools. I liked to keep it simple, not a chemistry project. So through boredom and spiritual renewal and growth I went back to meat and was broken free from the fear of meat. I grew, and don't regret my decision. But I gained 30lbs over this two year period. I have had time to re-evaluate my decisions and eating choices and have decided to go back to vegetarian/vegan and my motivation for the choice is not out of fear anymore.

    I signed up for this group to drop the 30lbs I gained during this renewal period. I am not burned out anymore but as I have gotten older I know that sometimes I take small breaks but my small breaks don't need to be massive or guilt ridden and they can still be healthy and mindful. I consider this process and the challenges the frame work to get the "diligence" reacquainted in my daily life. Its like a muscle and it takes time to get it stretched out and developing, it hurts, sometimes your sore and sometimes you wanna chuck it all but you don't because you get tired of pushing your goal to the next year and the next year and the longer you wait the harder it is and Im ready to cross goals off my list so I can add new ones. I cant move forward if there is no completion. I am pushing for more than progress, I am pushing for results.

    ~~~~~~TEAM ORANGE
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